(1412) Afternoon all. (1437) There’ll be a break now, chaps and chapesses, till just before 1700 … some chores to take care of. (1511)
13. “Christian School” in no way means, to my mind
… that it is necessarily filled with real Christians, particular with the Woke mind virus being so virulent and it being Wisconsin … I’d like to know more but can think of no reliable sources at this point.

12. Peter Principle … or something far worse?

11. Agreed, Kathy

10. Congress is doing naughties

9. This Liverpool Echo article is a puzzler
A couple set up a pub and Marston’s say there are shortfalls in the accounting, they seem to get an independent to say there’s a surplus … they are evicted. Whaa?
These two comments under the article had me thinking:

Breweries get twitchy about ‘overs’ at manged pubs because it indicates that the manager may be selling his own stock through the pub depriving the brewery of trade.