(0603) Still dark … surprising that in midwinter. (0812)
7. Thoughts on the Spooner/Molinari anarcho-free-enterprise
… posted in comments by Juan … we used to have in our wider circle a blogger called Captain Ranty … and his view of the word Citizen was that it was a pejorative … it was designating, you, me, as a compliant member of a top-down Society, with a skewed voting system to legitimise it … every few years, you got to vote in a loaded system, for pre-approved candidates who would not rock the boat.
The alternative to the PPP corporate mafia was laissez-faire economics and I saw that in my time in Russia, where grandmothers would sell their wares from stalls at the roadside, where farmers could sell their beef too … it was pretty unregulated. The downside was that it was easy pickings for the local mafiosi who controlled it, as they do beggars now in this country.
There’s a central theme running through all this … while I’m all for us selling our wares, it’s naively unrealistic to believe that strongarm and graft won’t walk into that blissful vacuum and fill it with themselves. The only way that that could be stopped is with some sort of militia which people generally accept, e.g. an uncorrupted police.
But why would graft not run rampant among them anyway, e.g. in the West Midlands? Answer is that there’s no way in a moral vacuum that that would not happen, unless there was some cultural code making it anathema in everyone’s mind.
Enter New Testament Christianity, from cradle to grave … it at least curbs excessive corruption, as long as everyone except a small group of crims were on the same page with it. It’s certainly anathema to a destructive force like communism. If we’re inevitably controlled topdown anyway … it can never be stopped … then which is batter as the controller … the mafia politburo or God in Three Persons, as laid out in the gospels? If nothing else, it’s a useful device.
Let’s say that this underpinning cultural thing called Christianity becomes the hegemony … now further problems start … how should it be appropriately arranged?
In come the corrupt, who then twist pastors into a priestly caste of the illumined and then all sorts of evil pollutants are brought in to undermine faith … for example, sun worship, worship of the Son’s mother before the Son, plus the priest having control of parishioners through the confessional. Secret Societies too.
Soon enough, the church becomes The Church and the torture chambers begin. There’s similar in Judaism where the Mosaic set of precepts gives way to a manmade, priestly or druidic caste which sets itself up as arbiter and controller, runs Councils where they lay down their own agreed mode of worship and anyone not knuckling down is a heretic and blasphemer and is to be burnt to little bits!
It’s the same observation as the one this opened with … concerning the designated Citizen. And as Jesus of Nazareth pointed out time after time in the synoptic gospels … the whole thing turns on faith, not enforced, manmade interpretations. He makes clear about an otherworldly Judgement Day, the rest is up to the individual adult. Reject it, ignore it … your funeral.
But that does not mean councils of monsters in vestments and gobbledegook laying down the law according to them, lording it over parishioners. Are there any high-ups in a hierarchical Church not corrupt?
Well let’s answer this way … were you a morally bankrupt, corrupt power wishing to control the minds of people, selling indulgences for filthy lucre, where would you aim? To be a local pastor or to get into that Synod, that Council of High-Ups?
Same happened when science became Science and the Royal Society started dictating what was science, what was not. The IPCC was another example … the WHO deciding in medicine too, with a known criminal at its head.
It’s never changed.
6. A JFK discussion on Gab
A: If you actually had watched the video there were two teams – one in a building near the book depository to frame Oswald – James Files was located by himself by the Grassy Knowl as the backup if the primary team failed with the headshot which they did – so after they tried he took the fatal shot with a fireball pistol/rifle from 30 yds – why there was a lag between the initial shots and the final headshot . The two guys then met James Files at the same car and exited the scene
B: There were multiple hitmen. The kill shot came from the stormwater drain. Not the grassy knowl. But hopefully we’ll finally learn the whole truth.
5. Saw this on Gab
“Wonder why Opera GX does not have any mods for Gab, other than Aria? No icon for Gab Social either.”
This is yet another example of Woke left providers, browsers, platforms, woke community “standards” picking and choosing what they like and wish suppressed.
A pistol shot from 30 yards? At a moving target? Don’t be daft.
Still up.
JH (1006): Good thing too.
I remember the Captain well. So were the names of many of the blogrolls on the RHS.