(1015) The morn marches on. (1034)
13. Some sort of op ed
… with a bit of Housekeeping thrown in. It’s not my intention to reiterate ad nauseam, to teach our readers to suck eggs … yet one or two additions might be of use.
My approach was originally to become furious at glitches and blockages, then it became to just find inventive ways around them … but in the light of post June 24 developments, it’s moved on. First is MMUTR who’s taught me to be organised … write everything on paper which can be stored and then accessed. In this is an admission techies won’t openly make … that IT is far from a precise science, as the number of things in the chain which can go wrong … usually do.
The experienced cyberman, I’ve observed, just tries some other way … if still stymied, he refreshes … if still stymied, he goes away, comes back later.
IYE taught me archiving, Steve and DAD taught me routines as most useful, Andy taught me humour through it all. Our other chaps and chapesses have taught me much too. When something is inaccessible and called inc*tm*nt to h*tr*d, say, I’m learning to just go with that flow, rather than fight it. There’s a time to fight but there’s also a time to pause … we may just have dodged a bullet by so doing … by not clicking.
Telling someone with some Irish blood to be dispassionate is a dark joke in itself … and yet it’s good advice … there’s one particular glitch in my NHS course app … yet postings by my colleagues are still showing up in ticker. I wrote to app support … who knows what they’re up to … nay going t’fash m’sel’ o’er it, though I can see something nastier behind why I cannot but others in the group can.
That’s where anxiety and imaginings hover, ready to descend … not going to … just going to get onto other things, see what’s happening elsewhere. Here endeth the rant.
12. The insanity of Millipede and his controllers

11. IYE at 909

10. TDS today

9. Kathy’s newsletter today
This was the week Keir Starmer welcomed the fall of Syria’s Assad dictatorship. Now I am no expert but I don’t think I would have been quite so quick to herald it as a good thing, not with this character Muhammed Al Jawlani as de facto leader after his jihadist group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham led the toppling of Assad. Yep, this is a group that’s committed mass human atrocities and was co-founded by the former leader of ISIS as the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.Nice one.
But maybe Sir Keir has represented them in the past – as he once represented the now proscribed terrorist group Hizb ut-Tahrir? Only asking. In these globalist uniparty days with Boris Johnson singing from the same Syrian hymn sheet you haveto wonder what’s going on.
9. Seems people have short memories and have forgotten the playbook of Them. Weapons of math instruction reworked to fit the take ⬇️ of another stumbling block.
12. Off-shore – cui bono? Who lays claim to it and fills their already bulging coffers?
You just jogged my memory re archiving. Meant to find the Key Posts from NO dot com as well as the link I already filched from NO dot UK which I note you have already stashed in one of the cupboards here at HQ.
Might all be useful to someone in future. Trial and error though to see which “Key posts” are still accessible but as they say, patience is a virtue. 😉 🙂
Btw, interwebs is glitchy all over the place atm so don’t take it personally. 🙂
Edit: Fourteen should be thirteen 😀 Getting ahead of….?
Nobody remembers Iran in 1979. Look what happened there and I see no reason that it won’t happen in Syria.
There people meddle and screw things up. This time it is being set up so Trump will have to handle it but it will last a very long time.