(0420) Dark. (0633)
4. Was going to do the intro with our correspondent’s name
… but think I’d best not … it was not IYE … another take it or leave it …
3. DAD drops at 908
a) French Prime Minister François Bayrou: Portrait of an Eternal Centrist. He will certainly do what he does best: nothing.
b) François Bayrou would vote against the denaturing of marriage if he were a member of parliament.
c) The NGO’s humanitarian ship, ‘Geo Barents’, has been subject to “four sanctions by the Italian authorities over the past two years, imposing a total of 160 days of immobilization in port,” MSF laments on Friday.
d) Medically-assisted dying – also known as voluntary euthanasia – accounted for 4.7% of deaths in Canada in 2023, new government data shows.
2. Millennials/early Zee mirror image of left-Boomers
… or at least chips off the old blocks. I saw a video on why hippiedom died out in the first part of the 70s and the comments were quite revealing … they were attacking the presenter as puritan, as a preacher … seems to me he was telling some home truths.
Point is … from Leary to the CIA/FBI, this whole thing was steered, as Yuri B said in the 80s … he put it down to the KGB but it was way before then. It was immediately pre-end of WW2 … the OSS and what they’d become, that the military wanted no part of a civvy outfit like that but evil malcontents needed a home. Give it any name you like … global communism, satanic mind control of the masses … the story’s never changed, just the names of the characters.
The playbook’s always been the same … flood the impressionable with feelgood destructiveness, e.g. The Pill, yet the real agenda is and ever was Weishaupt’s summarised abolitions of 1776 … and any form of Ten Commandments is rendered insufferably evil restriction of your “freedoms” (meaning slavery to the seven deadly sins).
As a miserable sinner myself, I went through the whole leftist thing at school and university, the Weathermen were heroes, Baader-Meinhof, but not the Munich Olympics. Times change. I was never a hippie.
Some of the reasons given by old hippies was that they grew up, the focus changed but imho, many of the behaviours didn’t. When libertarian becomes licentious … trouble brews. Prob is … where’s the line? I’d say the line is the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes, but not in a frenetic way … that’s a pretty good way to stay our hand unless absolutely necessary.
There’s another way to look at hippiedom and how it was reborn in the Millennials … two aspects every single time … un-self-regulated sex, plus drugs. China and Russia, plus Africans love the notion of drug-addled San Franciscans lying about in the streets.
The thing which always got me … and I went to a few festivals … was just how violent and vicious these love-everyone-do-gooder-to-the-world-but-not-to-those-close people were if you crossed them. The analogy I see is students sharing a house … wanting to protect their own food but the feckless … “all mine is mine, all yours is ours” … it’s an impossibility. Really unpleasant people to deal with, as their love-everyone halo is firmly placed above their heads as they attack or make the spiteful remarks.
I got out of all that, away from young people, even though I was one. Not the slightest clue, the young, that they were puppets, just as much as the govt clowns.

What a weird, deluded way to live … chanting “you must love the world” but actually being a selfish child yourself. The film The Beach was a perfect example … how they all behaved. Lord of the Flies in 1962.
Sadly, these were the Boomers, my lot, in maybe 70% of cases … and it got no better … at least we were well educated in the classics … Gen X then came with their acid house, techno, glam … yet in many ways, I’m more Gen X than Boomer. But think of it though … feckless hippies had children, Millennials … how are those children going to turn out? God-fearing, sex-only-within-marriage types? Hardly.
Perfect target for three letter agencies and quisling teachers in schools. It’s not my job to preach but I can note truths all I like … as I do … as you do too … why not?
1. This item from TDS

It’s all quite debunked in copious articles, vlogs etc. … so what does Woke (communist) authority do, wherever it is? It doubles down … redoubles its lying pressure. This moves such behaviour into the unconscionable category … hardly paragons of truth and virtue … in fact, the diametric opposite. It’s not unlike Thalidomide, only in global epidemic of evildoers scope. Not unlike the plague of karens during the covid plandemic.