(0918) Nondescript outside just now. (1002)
13. My take on the ME and the Ukraine for what it’s worth
Seems to me that one first needs to separate oneself from Israeli interests v deathcult interests and I’d suggest that’s a tall order, esp. among Christians, who fall into three categories afa I can see – Judaeo-Christian in the sense of seeing OT/NT as a continuum but not seeing the Pharisaeic factor which Jesus took on, just as with the deep state today … then the quite anti-Jewish lot (they murdered the Christ) … then those like Bergoglio and Welby not Christian at all, cherrypicking or else openly satanic.
To my mind, everyone in the whole biz is out for his/her/their own corner, including Americans (MAGA) and Brits (either old Empire or for one of the constituent nations), then the French for the French etc., as against globo-communist-satanic, with all the brainwashed chanting in unison. Even unions, big business, banksters … each out for his/her/their own corners.
If that’s so, then we get temporary alliances, e.g. Russia-China-Brics but the core motive is his/her/their own people/culture/language.
One belief system undercutting the national is of course the religious, from hedonistic licentious libertarianism to deathcultism to Talmudism to Hinduism etc. etc.
Is there any religion which can be non-globo, not in the sense of the faith not being global but in the sense of “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”? Love thy neighbour, don’t rape or murder her/him?
Well yes, of course there is … NT Christianity, which gets over the thorny issue of two masters … God or country. The biblical Christian can easily be loyal to the country, nation, culture, language but also be, primarily, spiritually, loyal to God, which in turn cones back to render unto Caesar.
Can loyal Brits be friends with loyal MAGA? Loyal Marion Marechal, loyal Christine Anderson, Martin Selner, Alex Marshall Downunder? Well of course we can … far more with them than with our own communist Woke left. In that sense, we are l’Internationale in our own way. Alina Habba? Why not?
Back to the middle-east and the Ukraine … well of course Putin wants NATO/US/globopsycho out from their border … obviously. How far to go? As far as is necessary to control the region.
And Israel? Well here there are two types … the Judaean type who see only that country as God’s chosen and have no broader ambitions … but then the Babylonian satanic Israeli type who see a Greater Israeli Empire, including all of Syria. Zion.
How to get it? Play the US “leaders”, the corrupt … but also the incoming Donald, with Javanka in his ear.
The Caliphate devotees? Stranglehold on the Brit traitors at the top, no? So there’s the basis for war between the US and Britain further down the track. While the peoples are friendly. Under “Brit”, also include Shariah Trudeau.
Can’t I keep religion out of this, even for one post for crying out loud? Nope … coz they don’t. For goodness sake … they’re basing policy on things 1400 years ago, 2024 years ago, 5000+ years ago. Quite seriously too. It’s the ultimate naivety of the atheistic to utterly reject the metaphysical factor, whilst amusing themselves with sci-fi scenarios.
More as and when, some chores to do now, plus a delivery.
12. TDS