Just a short post, chaps and chapesses, about two topics
a. Strange things are happening, inc. being hit by spam something awful:

This site doesn’t get that many comments in a short time … good thing is the system is robust … attacks on our core are over half a million now … interesting for us, just a tiny site in the firmament.
b. The “opposition” are quite consistent at projection, so if they bang on about “division”, then you can be sure that they … well, enough of that.
As far as we ourselves in our lil ole cnr of the net need to be aware … the aim is for us to take umbrage and go … which is precisely what Sir Roger was saying:

Woman too. With that in mind, we need to, in this war, develop almost artificial patience … we know our colleagues’ general stances but it’s easy to forget that everyone is under severe long-term pressure just now, no accident … affecting sleep, nerves, all of it. In short, we need to be both battle-hardened and vigilant, develop coping mechanisms … and around the Christmas resurgence this year … the opposition will be near apoplectic.
Have a good sleep, folks, see you in a few hours.