(0816) Looks grey and bleah out there but no matter. (0900)
11. DAD adds to the earlier solar panel destruction item
My daughter, lives on Anglesey, reports…..
“We got the red alerts. It was the worst weather I can recall – and we’re used to lots of wind here. We lost a few facia boards and electricity for a day and a half, but otherwise ok. A family I know had their neighbours roof come off and crash into the front of their house!”

10. Intelligence and competence

9. TDS

8. Memories of my nine hours on a trolley (gurney)
… following my Friday afternoon heart attack some years back:

The promise was to have a private room, which did allow me to see the dawn in there before I was booted out to the women’s ward … only to be relegated to the terminal cases ward … how did he get that then? Well, someone took a shine, obviously … thought it was my new friend, an orderly, Spanish girl, but think it might have been someone higher. That gal was a real friend during many of those hours … Spanish gals are go!
7. Perfect example of a weasel article
… plus other things to moan about after that.

This saved millions? It bloodywell did not … these frankenseeds are one season only, yielding globopsycho billions in funds as seeds need rebuying from Svalbad among other places. We went into all that in the stolen blog … the topic was Codex Alimentarius:

This inserting of innocuous looking lies in both heading and text is unconscionable. For a start, they’ve waited until memories have forgotten the real controversy, then in a sort of National Geographic about the wonders of the world (Atlas Obscura), they create a “controversy” over a lesser matter or else dismiss the original issue as coming to nothing.
On our last visit to Norway in 2017 we were told by a Norwegian lady that the seed bank had not been the success that the World was proclaiming due to many seeds rotting in storage. Something to the effect that “they” couldn’t get the conditions right. We don’t hear about that in the “news”! Frost damage???!!! lol
11. The photo of the dead bird mincer was interesting, and possibly raised questions. What happens to the blades? Can they be recycled or is there some secret government quarry where they can be quietly buried for 23rd century scientists to find? Perhaps someone should ask that Milliband bloke if the disposal will fit in with his green agenda. Also, will the bases, with all of that concrete and plastic covering, have to be removed and rebuilt, and at what cost? What a shame we are not able in this country, to just dig a hole and find something which will give us heat and power. China and India seem to be able to do so.
Old windfarm blades.