DAD opens proceedings today with “two lovely lasses”. (JH: The description below the video is from her introductory video … this here is her going on vacation):
“Hi, I’m Taylor. I work on a dairy farm in central Maine. We have about 70 cows. It’s hard work, often for long hours, but I love it. I hope, eventually, to have my own farm. There is just Brent, my boss, and me who work here. I also make videos about life on a dairy farm.”
“Plus our Marion”:

JH: I’ll conclude with two ladies in red:

It seems that red is the colour at the moment for the ladies. Kathy tells of her invitation to a Zurich conference last week, and….
“I found the charming but anxious Urs there to greet me with an instruction to go straight inside – there was a photographer waiting for me! Phew, my MAGA red jacket was the right decision!”
It made me smile when I read that.