(1420) Was sorting out Christmas shopping for the limited number involved, time got away. (1452)
16. When you’ve made yourself obnoxious to all and sundry
… money and destructiveness may remain …

15. Well it’s one view

14. Aixelsyd can be a problem

13. Lord T reports from the BBC
Cash use in the shops rose for a second year in a row after a decade of falls, according to retailers.
Notes and coins were used in a fifth of transactions last year, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) said, as shoppers found cash helped them to budget better.
The amount spent per purchase also dropped slightly from £22.43 in 2022, to £22.03 last year, it said.
The findings were published after charities told a committee of MPs that numerous groups were excluded from essential services and community venues that had started to refuse cash.