(0713) Light slowly appears out there. I’m thinking, dear reader, that some of the topics in this post are maybe more important than in the first … not more important than the posters … they are preeminent … but the actual news never ends … usual horrors, some successes, some humour.
What I’m trying to say is that refining, honing our attitudes is necessary … making them more thought out than gut reaction … that life news item in particular … it does need to be balanced in our minds before we can start applying huge pressure on the evil muvvers out there. (0714)
(0953) Long break between post items … house issues, food delivery, chores, only back now, in the middle of cooking. (1026)
11. The Brewster buffalo

10. Not suggesting this is happening, just a thought

9. This gal truly is the goods

8. Asking questions

7. (0954) TCW and TDS

6. This Lifenews item we could easily skip past
… but I’m suggesting we, all of us, need to think it through first in depth, refine our attitude … have it right in our heads before proceeding:

Were I one of the globopsycho or Wokeleft or karen evil muvvers out there, I’d be chortling at this conundrum … which is preminent in your minds, you so-called Christians … is it more important that the western races be kept “pure” or that any newborn child at all needs to be loved?
We can’t even admonish the girl for “going near” or hobnobbing with a black or deathculter … this could easily have been an ambush on her. The question still needs asking though … how was the creep in any position to rape her in the first place? What exactly were the circumstances? In detail.
And secondly … does it matter now … after the deed has been done on her? She’s pregant, isn’t she? There it is, as they say. What next? Child born, no father about? Mixed race? Yes, we can be angry about the massed and still massing creeps in the country … yes, we should string up (legally, after trial) any politician or other Wokerati who made our situation occur in our land … yes, all of that.
But how does that help the girl? Or help her child the Wokerati peer group is telling to have easily aborted? That question won’t go away, will it?
I saw an old pic (days of yore) on X of a nurse gleefully taking the child from the mother in a hospital and laying him/her next to the other dozen or so others for adoption. These days … possibly by two gays?
See, these questions all do need resolving … in reality for a start, on the ground … plus in us becoming clear what our precise attitude should be. Which principle takes precedence? To keep the native race pure in order to preserve our culture, our heritage (a vital question, not to be dismissed, given the hordes being allowed in, wrecking of our nativeness) … as against the New Testament “every child loved, love thy neighbour”?
Or maybe the libertarian “none of my business, do as thou wilt, no matter how wrong, not my problem”?
The last thing we need is a Theocracy of any kind, a council of Ian Paisleys or Gerry Adamses or Welbys or Bergoglios pontificating on and/or burning at the stake any sinner … or worse … a shariah council of imams deciding whether to chop bits off someone, stone him/her or immolate in cages. No thanks.
I’d suggest, ladies and gentlemen, that we truly need to think all this through … starting with just how to protect our daughters. Again … how do we protect our daughters, reduce this horror from happening?
11. The Brewster buffalo – It was an incongruous scene. On a June day in 1942 a few stubby, blunt-nosed US-built fighters bearing swastika markings climbed eastward to intercept British-built fighters bearing red Russian stars | https://www.historynet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Finnish-Brewster-Buffalo-aerial-combat-1024×715.jpg