(1532) Afternoon and evening, readers.
25. Christmas lights up chez Higham

24. Mike Davis
Cheers to my good friend Gail Slater on this crucial nomination by President Trump to lead the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. Gail Slater is a brilliant antitrust attorney and America First populist.
23. Navarro

22. Awwww, shucks!

Truly someone said: “Evil indeed is that man who has not at least one woman to mourn for him, to weep …” or words to that effect. Well Pete H is going to have many women watching his back.
By the way, my mum’s birthday is this week.
21. IYE at 898
George Webb was mentioned elsewhere. Regarded as iffy (and flaky) in the past so not willing to go down that rabbit hole again. A lot of his stuff has been scrubbed from the web (no pun intended!)
Can’t verify this source either so fwiw, if anything …
20. Another six snippets

There was another tweet saying Jenrick was always an opportunist … so who knows?

19. Housekeeping
I’m concerned that our chaps and chapesses here who drop drops don’t get miffed at my skipping over some items, posting others. For example, Juan’s are vital but must not go on the main page just to protect the sources. We live in the present here … the comments thread in the sidebar lasts 12 comments … during that time, serious commenters should have noted the posts under which vital urls appeared which they might wish to access much later.
They’re not going anywhere, those urls, plus I have the advantage in that I can just find Juan in comments in the engine room. It’s far more piecemeal for the reader though … once it’s off the page, it’s far more difficult for him/her to find again. In short, I’ve buried it in a mass of posting. As mentioned, it’s still there but ya gotta find it yourself, ditto with NOWP.
Bloodymindedness on my part? Security, people, simply security. In previous iterations of the blog, having lists of posts and urls turned out to be too easy pickings for hostile people … it needs to be diffused.
So good droppers, there’s no question of ignoring you … it’s simply what we can afford to run openly … and what is buried. Write on paper if it’s vital … something like “Sun Dec 1: n12” or something like that … keep scraps of paper in a box or tin … I keep mine in a tray.
One thing which will not work, nor should it, is to ask me much later if I remember some link … no, I don’t … both genuinely due to failing memory … plus deliberately, as eyes watch out for this as well as yours. All this is esp. so in Starmerland.
Healthwise, I just ate, did chores (moving about), upped the sipping with lemon … already feeling better.
18. Steve at 898
On Chad Chronister, then:
Incoming White House Deputy Chief of Staff @StephenM: “Everything in the world is going to change on January 20th because the President of the United States is going to use every single legal, diplomatic and financial tool to halt the entry of all illegal aliens into this country.”
Plus war room:
Raheem, Burisma, Natalie, Liz Harrington.
17. Andy at 898

Andy also has a Neil Oliver over there.
16. Thlot pickens … at 1639

15. The drop in same-demographic babies

Plus this from Mandy in Ireland:

14. Even after everything in 12 and 13, this hangs over us
… like a sword of Damocles:

13. First half of twelve “shorts” which need posting

12. Frankly, I’m not well and must act
It’s core … heart, arteries … I can surmise a few causes:
- Exercise dropping off
- Water sipping dropping off
- Too much choc, milk, dairy, that sort of thing
- Dropping off of meat and veg
- Taking shortcuts with packet additives
- Winter cold contracting arteries
- Being outside
- Way too much internet … radiation etc.
They’re just a few possible reasons. Another way of viewing it is when I feel worst:
- When sleep is too much, too little, body not moving
- Lately, even std exercise causing jabs of pain, nothing too dire yet
- Failing on the above list.
And when feeling best?
- After two sleeps are done, of about 3.5 hours each
- When sipping water all day, less coffee … maybe I’ll start tea
- When in an exercise regime
- When at least I’m physically moving, not sitting or prone
- Better diet regime
- Not going outside
- Stopping time, not getting older, ha ha.
Today, I had to go out a few times for some time … was not good. All right, that’s for me to sort. Meanwhile, “just” at Leggy’s pointed to this … take it or leave it: