(0719) Morning all, still dark out there, shall have to change timers today to reflect the shortest day soon. (0837)
5. Steve’s look at things at 896
Four: DEA Pick Chad Chronister trouble, Citizens of Shasta County, California, Colorado and Tina Peters, Woke Jaguar, more.
Three: US news, inc. the pardoning, more.
Two: The Ukraine, Syria, Romania, Georgia, more.
One: Covid, Anna de Buisseret, death by doctor, snitches and sneaks, the pardon, Ireland results, more.
4. DAD drop at 897
a) Turmoil and trouble in the French Parliament. Two reports … one is:
Le Pen Ready To Join Left in Toppling French Government Over Budget
b) French Family Associations Call New Sex Education Programme “Ideological Brainwashing”.
c) Labour is accused of presiding over a whopping 64% increase in Channel migrant crossings since they came to power 150 days ago.
d) Ending with some good news……Ireland’s Green Party has suffered a crushing defeat in the country’s general election, with the government coalition partner losing 12 of its 13 seats.
3. Heavy housekeeping
There are two positions taken at this site:
a. Those of the site itself in its various forms … HQ, UHC, NOWP, Jstack … which are for our own countries in the political sphere, as well as cultural Christianity in the sense of the underpinnings of the west we grew up with, which even DJT is honouring in travelling to France for the opening (and presumably reconsecration) of the renovated Notre Dame. But it includes various faiths and views, e.g. libertarian, free enterprise, family etc., heavily down on Wokery.
b. That of the admin, me, personally, who is non-denominationally and “overtly unpreachily” Christian, whose prime text, if any, is the new testament, though it keeps referring back to other books also such as Genesis to Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Daniel and others, e.g. the Psalms, Ecclesiastes … in short, the way we were brought up in all western generations until Gen X, when it started to walk away, to stray. I take no official position on Judaism beyond what Jesus of Nazareth did but utterly reject the murder and rape cults of any form of religion, inc. those of the far left.
If asked if I support the Jews or the Arabs, I reply that I support Yorkshire, England and Britain, plus Ireland, plus former British colonies in the antipodes and in Canada, plus pre-ANC South Africa, plus other dependencies, e.g. Gibraltar and the Falklands. If asked whom else I have loyalty towards … countries which sustained me for periods of time, inc. Russia and the Ukraine, Serbia too, France, Italy.
From Wiki on Judaism:
“The non-Jews that choose to follow the Seven Laws of Noah are regarded as “Righteous Gentiles””
And the Seven Noahide Laws are listed this way:

The two problematic ones, for anyone Christian by choice, are n1 and n7. N1 is no problem for me in principle but in its interpretation by n7 … I am dead against Theocracy, particularly by human councils … no whited sepulchres are going to judge my love of God … that’s for God alone to judge … our guidelines being the synoptic gospels.
All this explains why I must leave overtly religious texts and links within comments at this site, on the grounds that Unherdables is non-religious in nature, as defined above.
However, we do have the soc-med problem of overtly referring to Isl…. Mus….Zio… … in Starmerstasiland now … quite topical to be sure, given Syria currently … but we’re mainly British or American at this site and would like to keep operating.
The eschatological Christian position, by the way:
Whether pretribber, mid or whatever, referring to the rapture … all variations still see certain things happening, including a falling away, a vast increase in knowledge, a turning away, plus this antiChrist character appears at the abomination of desolation, however that pans out, plus this beast and this mark of the beast.
End of civilisation, end of the world? Well yes.
Greetings Sir.
If I may, I quite agree with your comments.
It seems to me, sadly, there are far too few like you.
Sometimes it almost seems as if we truly are in a LARP, and almost all around me are
simply NPCs.
You are like an anchor in a frothy sea.
JH (1832): Ta … but it cuts both ways with you visiting and adding.
Mr H,
Your response makes my point.
Ever gracious, ever humble.
It is easy to see why Miss Toodles respects you so.
3. Point 7. Got me thinking about the UK upper chamber and the “Lords Spiritual”. Don’t they have some say in the passing of laws or are they just there for decorative purposes? Unelected anyway and not exactly a court but possibly a creep. (Or several creeps!)
The NT does away with the Noah hides anyway. Two commandments only – love our heavenly Father and be nice to each other.
JH (0545): Noted.