(0340) Going to do a wee hours post item on timings and other guff, you dear, long suffering readers. (0425)
2. Speechless

1. The fundamental interconnectedness of all things
… takes on a whole other meaning with me because there are different elements with different requirements and I have to mesh those with my aging bod’s requirements in my own time zone … failing to do this is unsustainable in a real, non-left-political sense.
Plus this is not of the slightest interest to each of you, as you have your own bodyclock requirements and routines, yes? However, now started … let’s press on.
The first with me is that I must complete certain chores/routines each day/evening, otherwise it’s dangerous for health. One is that I must wear a hoody to bed to cover the scone, otherwise lurgy and with the state of the NHS, the way that goes to heart, circulation, stomach, doctor’s appointment if lucky, new kill-the-aging laws … you get the idea.
Complicating this is my central heating, on timer … it must be like this, with two four-hour gaps with no heating on because from bitter experience, this boiler packs up if on constantly through the winter … pressures etc. … and the heating engineer has now gone … the one we had for years. So one of those periods is my 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., when I must be asleep and the other is late morning till mid afternoon.
Complicating that is that MMUTR visits around middays … in the no heater time.
Through all this, there is what readers and others believe, versus what I know to be so. Universal verities such as “everyone can choose his own path” are increasingly bollox as the heating unit, plus Gates’s cold chemtrail winter, plus my heart/circulation, each have intolerant demands, let alone sleep demands … I must have six and a half hours a day in order to avoid health issues, as GPs no longer exist and wish to kill us anyway, in accordance with corporate healthcare/WEF.
In short, there’s no cavalry to save us anymore. Rule is simple … don’t get sick … under any circumstances whatever. None. Nor injured … no falling over, no scalding oneself, no missing meals, no not taking meds, whilst at the same time, the latter are overdue for review. But no GP anymore etc. complicates this.
Into all this comes blogging. Engine room Steve has time requirements early to late evening, IYE has times he appears, Andy is wee hours of night, Toodles is in American central time, the antipodes has its own time frame … Russia seems to have dropped out of calculations of late. There are American considerations though, esp. these days, as their evening … which is now … is when they’re most active.
France is a big factor at this blog and an hour from now, DAD drops, so he has to have a new post posted but if I crash around my 9 p.m., Steve’s last two items depend, plus before morn, I need to put up the new DAD post frame. With Steve, it’s up to him … if his 3 and 4 have “a to f”, the WordPress system posts it and readers get to see it mid-evening. But if he goes to “g” or even “h”, it does not post itself and readers miss out. His call. I cannot be relied upon to be awake after 2100 because of all the other interrelated factors acting upon the Higham, who crashes around 2030.
Why not tinker with the HQ backend in order to restructure? Must not. There’s a golden rule … if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. WP has now learnt what to let through, what to spam … don’t forget those euphemisms either as a factor, droppers or other commenters.
Result of the set up, as it is now, is that there’ve been fewer issues of late in comment dropping … huge thanks to MMUTR … have you noticed? Didn’t just happen on its own … there really is a fundamental interconnectedness of all things … we alter one, we put unsustainable pressure on the others.
Tell you what … it’s an unusual life, chaps and chapesses … I should be in a rocking chair, gazing out of the window, reminiscing about bygone days instead of dealing with time zones and no medical service any more in Britain guff. Yet if I did do the regular aging thing … I’d be dead or demented … quite sure of it.
Right … 0425 GMT, DAD usually drops at NOWP within the hour, I’m crashing for the second sleep, see ya around 0730 GMT to 0830 for Mon 2 onwards. Y’all have a wunnerful new week, y’hear.
MMUTR ????????????????
JH (0734): My Mate up the Road. Unfair of me to expect anyone to remember this oft repeated acronym (?) … I need to add it to the Bookmarks, under Other in the navbar above. MMUTR is a key person behind HQ … he is the reason it runs smoothly.