(0741) Morning all, have a good one today. Breakfast time, a few jobs. (0852)
8. With the admin hat on, chaps and chapesses
… I really do need to rationalise my resentment over the Daily Sceptic paywall and the way Kathy doesn’t always post things taking us for’arder. On the other hand, to boycott them through a fit of pique on my part does undermine our prime directive here … get the news to you in its most comprehensive form possible.
Here are today’s (urls in blogrolls):
7. Toodles says, in response
“Thank you! We were still a part of England at that time – 1621.”
Well of course there are men who have to shout it out and whilst understandable, it can be counterproductive. But the gals … well so many of the good ones (cough) make saying what’s on their mind into an art form … dear oh dear, poor Lucy, Bernie, other gals … we luv ya but …
And the stasi were waiting to get her … bstds. Juss thinkin’ … there, but for the Grace of God, go I. Still might. Dear oh dear in these days we’re in.
The PM replied that July’s General Election had been a petition (really it was more like an eviction order.) ‘The Mongoose’ missed a trick: the 4 July petitioners didn’t get what they asked for and got a lot they didn’t want.”
The fourth topic is IYE’s at 891:9 on Two-Tier Stasi’s blasphemy laws.
a. Rachel of Complaints … I’m sure you’ll find it on youtube … she was not just “of” complaints but was “head of” and along with the other two heads, colluded to give each other spare time for shopping or whatever … which in Rachel’s case meant Labour Council work.
Now … illegality, lying etc. aside, the major thing in the video was if there is a pattern of dishonesty in whatever she does … and a case can be made that there is.
b. Andy’s blackout on the Westminster bridge story. The reportage changed … originally, it was the man had been st*b**d, but now it was changed to heart attack and no MSM took it any further. Why not? Of which demographic could the culprit possibly have been?
c. Something I saw in passing … it’s like most polling … you choose your sample to give you the result you want, of course slanting the questions that way too. Predictable … older responders, when asked which country they did not like, said S-sha (USA in English) plus a handful of others, or else they liked all, esp. women were like this. Younger responders, full of western garbage culture like Swift, ideals of how it is out here etc. etc., were more inclined to say they liked the west.
My feeling is that youngsters under 25 should not have the vote and any native over 25 should first sit a standard civics test and pass it on the first attempt … such a test being loaded towards love for and respect for the country. And lil ole I will set the test.
By the way … Moscow is hardly “Russia”, just as Rachel of Complaints and Khan City are hardly Britain.
3. Steve at 892
Four: Far-Left Judge in Arizona Attorney General’s 2020 Electors Case Recuses Himself, 11 State Attorneys General, Led by Ken Paxton, Take on BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, Noted Private Jet User John Kerry Sounds Off: “We’re on The Brink of Needing to Declare a Climate Emergency, they want TikTok banned, Wills’s changing relationship with Chas, plus more.
Three: Dr Jay Bhattacharya the Co-Author of the Great Barrington Declaration as New NIH Director, Liberal Women Protest Trump’s Victory With a ‘Primal Scream’ on Lake Michigan (heaven protect us), Trump Team Officially Signs Transition Agreement with Biden White House to Formalize Transition, much more.
Two: Moscow Prepares Retaliatory Strike due to NATO Missile Attacks. Israel-Lebanon truce takes effect … nothing changes over there.
One: Oz covid response was insane, Ivermectin, Gorka Brit asset? Much more.
2. DAD at 892
a) 40% of Pakistanis want to leave their country: Guess where they want to go.
b) Billy Bob Thornton scene from “Landman”. Ed Millibrain does not approve.
c) Amaryllis Fox Kennedy is Robert Kennedy’s daughter in law.
d) Axios CEO suffers a meltdown over Citizen Journalism..
JH: Slight smile on the lips, I feel a wave of “provocativeness” welling up … I’d love to drop in a cutting aside … but no time, let’s move on.
1. In which this really does become abstruse
There’s sometimes a genuine reason to be less understandable to readers, apart from my natural gobbledegook … and it usually means something coming up I wish to bury. One gentleman tavern patron in France (our third French expat, let’s call him) became somewhat irate at my lack of hyperlink, lack of clarity … but I assure you it was necessary.
At the same time, I feel obliged to at least provide the means, the chance to discover, given a halfway decent intelligence in the reader and the reader can then go off and ferret, given the starter first of course, the means. All right, here’s a starter:
The pundit is AnonCon, with a most unusual layout, as I do, he’s in blogrolls, which I suggest are an important adjunct or part of our unherdable chain. The item I’m referring to is within 11-27-24, about halfway down and I’m about to give hints through context. We already know the skeleton of this tale, as we didknew about once svali did her thang in 2000.
Sometimes there really is a gender difference and I’d argue that if ever an item illustrates that male-female difference, this is it. It’s long, 1:56:28, and regulars here know I really object to podcasts as a rule as jaw-jaw extensions of participants’ egos, without getting to the point … and even then, the results are marginal, are just substanceless opinion, no time for such things.
One thing which this one avoids is the garish thumbnail … that one two days ago which had the girl’s darkened visage most of the way through and then said almost nothing, except in a disguised form, opened with a highly sensationalised thumbnail as clickbait which I failed to see, that thumbnail, otherwise I’d not have bothered … garish sensationalism does the opposite in my mind … sends me running … ditto with capitals every few sentences … trying to persuade with emotion, with emphasis, like smashing the key on the keyboard too often.
Is this ramble getting somewhere? Eventually yes … the key, the whole point, is in comments under that podcast, comments which almost universally excoriate the “host”, a blunt man of the coiffed hair type who is running a sensational “show”. Just as there do exist crazy catwomen with bizarre notions and fantasies, so there are seriously obtuse men of huge ego who run “shows”, the idea being ratings, clicks, patreon subscriptions.
If the interviewed woman is even remotely to be believed … and I do agree that there are consummate actresses out there who want their whistleblowing fifteen mins in the spotlight … granted that that is so, esp. in s*t*n*st witchery … nevertheless, this one has a slight accent I was trying to place … it becomes apparent halfway along and some of those names I covered in my OoL post of a decade and a half ago, called “the missing children” … those names reappear here. Don’t forget that I saw transcripts of children’s testimony back then, before all that was snuffed out of the net by Them … early days of soc-med punditry, that was, near impossible now.
What she comes out with rings true to me and her whole purpose for doing it was for her emotional healing, stopping it happening to others, stopping the whole nightmare … she even takes him to task at one point that there’s a war even between them … he wants names, his fearless reporting team, staff, have done their homework, compiling lists of names … why? To expose … or to protect those names, I ask? See, this could easily be, to him, just damage control for his show funders … or maybe it’s his natural maleness preventing any compassion for her.
What does a woman do, if wronged? She either does what happened to Kavanaugh, via Harris … cries rape … or else she really did experience all that and is trying somehow to find closure of some kind. It’s a highly dangerous situation … believe the woman or not? All the other material for two decades now suggests to me that this one’s on the level, wanting to talk healing … whereas he’s in full-male mode, out for revenge, bringing down the monsters, ra ra ra.
If it had been your daughter, and you’re male, a father say, what’s your natural reaction? Deep anger, fury, innit, like Anakin Skywalker … off you go and slaughter a village, just like the current neocon versus Putin thing. What the male almost never does is stay, listen, comfort, support. And in a way, that’s what we do here at unherdables … we try to help right wrongs do we not? Storm off on our white chargers. In high dudgeon much of the time. Very male. There’s a place for it.
A woman is not beyond using that … if B has wronged her (A) in her mind, she engages C, a male, who instantly believes her emotional performance, charges off and slaughters B first, finds out later.
I’m not sure this lady is not genuine, I think she is genuine, as it tallies but the interviewer is a bull in a china shop … he does not believe her or at least is not interested in her as a human, just as a name giver, otherwise she’s of no use to him … precisely what she shows her abusers to be. And look at the name of the interviewer … talk about a giveaway.
All right, enough from me on that … if I’ve at least alerted you to AnonCon, then that’s a good job done this Thursday morn, Thangsgiving in America.
There are some confusing things we need to get straight before proceeding. Firstly, that clip from IYE, plus Juan’s input at 891 to OldBitChute … it looks an old clip, old footage … when is it from? I understand that the posting-of is recent, as are comments … here’s one:
So the issue therefore is … is that clip of those two recent? Does it pertain to the next administration? Or is it from 2016 to 20? On that hangs our reaction, methinks. Also go to blogrolls to Ann Barnhardt (Juan suggests), scroll down and look at some of DJT’s picks. Hmmmmm.
During COVID-19, one travel nurse who was assigned to a New York hospital with one of the highest death tolls in the nation realized something very wrong was happening throughout the hospital and decided to covertly record her colleagues and become a whistleblower. Within her testimony, one particular recording she made was particularly illuminating as a doctor perfectly illustrated the dysfunctional mentality that has infected our medical system by stating he was unwilling to try any alternative therapy (which had some evidence behind it) for patients he knew would otherwise die.”
(0701) Morning all … bright enough out there. (0924)
10. Last just for now
9. Some housekeeping
That’s the current and scheduled post list in the engine room a short while ago. Think it was good to drop Monday quiz as the questions are slowly building over the week … I’m saving to the “Try these” post you see above.
8. Notice some powerful men are hanging around her
… ah, but what’s this?
Wiki’s deciding whether they continue with her bio or not? Whyever would they do that? 🤔
After all, she’s 17 and taking the MAGA and MAHA and Elon message to the yoof of America and the world … she’s personable and bright enough … what could Wiki Woke left editors possibly object to in the kid?
7. More on this citizen journalism theme
6. Pete Hegseth appears
Incidentally, notice how many people we’d say are tough, go-getters let’s say … still manage to praise God … and then look at those it visibly upsets, to the point the latter are all for burning down churches, burning Joans of Arc, anti-sodomy bakers etc. Juss sayin’ like.
5. DAD summarised from 891
Three books that are significant today. I wonder which will be the most relevant in 10 years.
a) “Freiheit – Erinnerungen von 1954 bis 2021”, Angela Merkel. Migrant crisis and “Wir schaffen das”:
In 2015, faced with the influx of refugees, Merkel asserted that Germany could rise to the challenge with her famous slogan “Wir schaffen das”…
b) ‘Memoricide’ by Philippe de Villiers who is perfectly in touch with current events, whether national, international, economic, cultural, civilizational and of course societal. And this book is the absolute demonstration of this.
c) ‘L’Étrange Défaite’ bu Marc Bloch.
The President of the Republic has announced that Jewish historian Marc Bloch will enter the Pantheon. We can only rejoice at this decision. But has the President considered that this great patriot was the very negation of everything he represents?
JH: Quite a read over there today.
4. Today no pratty TDS, which is quite up itself now
The story:
The Daily Sceptic runs a newsletter, the red printed headlines of which I run here, as readers know. I did refer, some time back, to its paywalling on some posts but at least the top two or three were in full.
Not today … today only the first, about arctic ice increase, was in full, something Steve reported anyway, so you’d have known about it, had you wished.
No guarantee that that will link to the post by the way … it would not here in compose mode. Which is pratty in the extreme because we need only look elsewhere to get the tale itself:
And what are the grounds for the Grauniad writers (not going to call them journos) going on strike? It was that Tortoise is buying the Observer and going paywall. Just as TDS is trying to go.
One thing which could be said for the Grauniad was that it was at least not paywall … Codswallop and similar fantasists notwithstanding. Not just that but if you don’t like such news from Unherdables here, there are plenty of other sites around … and comment is free.
The new journalism, chaps and chapesses (we only cater for two of the sexes here).
Though we here at Unherdables cover Brit and American news in the main, the angles at those two sites are also important, plus AK Haart and many Scriblerus sites for flavour. No doubt you could suggest others.
2. Woodsy (see blogrolls) supplies the ditty to go with the hop picking
1. Steve drop summary this early a.m.
Four: Hillary Used Russia Hoax Against Tulsi, Plan to Oust Johnson as Speaker, ‘Wind Drought’ Refuses to Lift, not Illegal to Say Abortion is a ‘Cause of Death, other items.
Three: Biden to attend inauguration, DJT’s tariffs on Canada and Mexico, “sanctuary cities” on notice, plus more.
Two: Western escalation of war, Putin serious, atrocities on civilians, plus more.
One: Menopause now a “disability”, COP 29 mess, Le Pen to wreck Eurozone (hopefully), plus more.
§ Nigel Farage Warns The Globalists’ Escalation Has Placed Globe At Most Dangerous Levels Since 1945
§ Stephen K. Bannon: “You Guys Are Gonna Be Investigated And You’re Gonna Get Crushed”
§ Julie Kelly: “Even If Trump Lost, This Case Wouldn’t Of Survived Another Immunity Test By SCOTUS”
§ Mike Davis: “Nobody Is Above The Law, Lawyer Up Guys”
§ Sheriff Mack On Deportations: “They Will Be Much More Successful If Sheriff’s Are Participating”
§ Dave Walsh Highlights The Amount Of Energy It Will Take To Sustain Artificial Intelligence
Steve also has up Hearts of Oak: Dan Wootton – Media, Musk and the Future of Freedom in the UK and a couple of links before that:
21. Toodles observations on various things
Good girls tend to keep it under wraps but in this case, the observations were so spot on, I had to see if I could get Toods’ permission to run this … she’s looking at the females featured in the past few days here:
“Speaking of plastic surgery for real. I am telling you that picture of L(ara) T you had up yesterday is scary. I saw her on the Fox News Station…I know, I know I rarely watch that channel and certainly not those others except to see from time to tine what they are saying. Tolerating Fox News is very difficult for me.
Any ole way…someone was interviewing LT. Oh my, she is on the way to being gruesome. The only one in that family who has a decent plastic surgeon is his daughter . She has had much done but subtle. She has been getting things done since her teens it is believed.
That woman who used to be married to Gov. Newsom (?) I believe it was him…then she was on the Five and then she was messing around with the Trump son not married to Lara Trump…oh my she looks so scary that it is scary 😱! They have split. Not sure what happened. Too many face lifts and insert and fillers?
Now those other blondes up on the blog were not so bad. The thing is that last luscious one…is she real? I really do not recall seeing white women with such pronounced lips when I was growing up. Some people do have fuller lips than others. I know that. But you could ride to town on that girl’s lips. At least they are nice lips and not weird. Just not naturally occurring as far as I know. Well maybe hers are natural…rare though.
The other two girls were nice and normal. I am thinking second girl was pretty. N3 cute but something a bit fake about her. I can assure you that at least 3 gals if not all are no longer naturally light blondes. They know their hairdressers well.
Mainly LT was/is very scary.
I know that after Julia Roberts came on the scene with that extra large toothy smile and inflated lips eventually other people started doing it.
JR has a naturally wide smile. She may have had fullish lips. In fact she did but not as huge as they had become. She has no Cupid’s bow. I have looked at young photos and images of her when she was a teen. Her lips were not as puffy as they were when we started taking note of her.
In her teens and early 20’s would have been her fullest lips as a young woman getting ready for mating as biology goes. It seems to me hers became fuller for a while after her 30’s…a long while after.
JR’s full lips are calmed down now. The last I saw her as she did the Kamala Harris Job (for money) she appears to be extremely gaunt. To me she looks better than looking as though she had insulation blown into her face with the vacuum turned on reverse suction. Still very gaunt.
I am not trying to talk ugly but people who do all of the plastic surgery remind me of that show where everyone looked like pigs. The beautiful ( to us) woman even after multiple attempts at plastic surgery to look acceptable (🐷) she never could attain the look to be accepted in that society. She was devastated.
She had to go to the ugly farm where all of the other hideously beautiful people went if they could not achieve that 🐽 look and beady eye look. So sad.
That is our society in the States.
Unless there really is a problem for me I would rather not (have plastic surgery). The nose thing must be awful. Maybe procedures are better now than in the past. I am not even suggesting people not do it but it has gotten out of hand in my opinion…don’t cha know?
I hope the boys have calmed down there. Dearieme surely knows how to make friends and influence people, huh?!!!!
Dad and IYE had a funny fuss going on…but Dearrieme … well …DM butting heads with IYE makes a powerful 💥.