(0315) Middle of the night. (0403)
4. Midazolam Matt

Main purpose of this item is to illustrate firstly that no MP can be trusted not to lie, esp. inveterate liars like he who should be in prison. Secondly … there are some news snippets which aren’t worth expanding but still need mention, plus I don’t particularly want Hancock’s visage up here before breakfast.
3. Classic case of ‘take it or leave it’

Not sure how Andrew’s getting away with it at Gab but he seems to be, give or take various DDOS attacks, some contributors are highly anti-Z**nist, confusing it with anti J**ish, some are highly Z**nist, I avoid that conflict afap, occasionally mentioning the Talmud.
As well as that, there are some quite ‘out there’ things to be sure (see item heading here) and that’s why I go there … X is highly controlled, despite anything Elon says, it’s full of ladies and they do alter the tone for the softer, plus the gentle-men.
Not so Gab, which is far wilder, more out there. The compensation is various snippets of real data, sometimes lasting minutes but worth their weight when/if eventually borne out.
Incidentally, last check, HQ here, which operates in the back end more like Gab, reported well over 400,000 attacks two weeks ago, trying now for the 500k, most through ggl. Nice to be loved.
2. Woodsy in response to the Haigh thing

1. Steve at 893
Four: “Plucking” and Re-Setting America’s Military Leadership, Halting All Weapons Shipments, LGBT, Boise women heroics, Georgia and EU, Haigh, more.
Three: Narrowest House Majority in 90 Years, Biden-Harris Regime Weaponizes Dept. of Education Against Christian Colleges, Proactive Veterans Submit a List of 18 Potential Nominees, more.
Two: Overview of situation, Boris, UK in proxy war, No EU Troops [the] Ukraine, more.
One: Public Trust Plummeted US Fed govt, uncovered “death batches” Pfizer vaccine, Greenland temps dropping 20 years, European Federation Of Journalists Leaving Musk’s X (good riddance), abortion world’s leading cause of death, more.
Christopher Heinz is Kerry’s stepson.
The poster needs to “ketchup” {Catch up, geddit?!}!