(1326) Been away with the fairies, chaps and chapesses, explained below. (1428)
Moosh started it with her tweet on skinhead girls
… with button down shirts. Not being female myself … I started reflecting on which styles I’d been wearing at different times over my life … about the only time I conformed to a fashion was later, with chinos … for a time. In primary school, I certainly went the slicked back Brylcreem route for a short time, as we had to be either jazzers or rockers … I went the rocker route or heavy sound:
Along with it went the leather jacket (couldn’t afford one as a kid but eventually bought one), film noir, Hawaii Five-O etc.
Sick of trying to upkeep the slick back, I suddenly went skinhead well before it became a cult … certainly much cleaner but something started impinging … the songs I really liked were now sung (cough) … by girls … Helen Shapiro’s Don’t Treat Me Like A Child, Lesley Gore’s You Don’t Own Me, Peggy March’s I Will Follow Him, The Exciters’ Tell Him, and this one among others:
It’s only now, decades later, that I realise just how many females there were on the hit parade … man they could sing! Frank Sinatra? Nah. Beatles? Well yes, for some years. Stones? Well yes, around 1969, which was when the music died a second time imho … became prog ego early 70s, was “just ok” in my eyes till post-punk, when it took off again:
… which it did, then died a third and final time early to mid-90s. Females became auto-tuned shriekers and thots, males became whatever.
Attire? Well once the short hair under curved brim cap, leather jacket, straight or tapered jeans became my go, I never really escaped that, only switching to black leather shoes in the middle years. Fashion to me was bollox … some clothes suited, sat well, looked ok on lil ole moi, others did not. End of story.
Musically, there was always something with the Ramones and Stranglers which was reverse-ersatz … not so much pseudo but they could play much better if they’d cared to … they preferred to play punk-posing, be all shout … yet in a real fight, Jean-Jacques Brunel turned out to be a handful for whomever he beat up.
(0847) Don’t forget IYE’s Blackbelt on Haigh etc. at 894 (0955)
13. Important
12. Gloomy toons
Well yes … we used to call it music to slash your wrists to.
11. 🍿🍿🍿
10. Kate and Wills
First thought is … bollox:
9. Great advertising
For sure I’ll order that brand next time.
8. Laura Perrins by the numbers
I like Laura, to the extent that if I see a post by her, I’ll bookmark it for later. However, she does have that regulation, modern woman touch of “woman can do anything, woman can do no wrong”, which is utter guff, as women know deep down.
I certainly play along with that to a point, as imho, women need to have some advantages in the old M-F dance of yore. We should open doors for them, stand if they come into the room, defer in so many ways to the ladies … I do believe that.
On this issue, I’m half and half … here’s one commenter below the post:
“What kind of man pounces on a woman who is under the influence of drink and drugs?”
What kind of woman intoxicates herself with drink and drugs in the company of men who are professional brutes known for arrogance, violence, swaggering, rude insolence, fighting and humiliating people?
The old double-standard is raised once again. The woman ‘under the influence of drink and drugs’ goes uncriticised for rendering herself vulnerable through her uncontrolled desire for a state of intoxication, whereas the man is enjoined always to possess ‘clear thinking, self discipline, and moral courage’.
Mrs Perrins should demand higher standards of behaviour from women, as well as of men. Sobriety might be a good start, for both sexes. And no, I am not excusing McGregor’s behaviour in the slightest degree.
Yes but Laura won’t be evenhanded, as she’s in high dudgeon over the physical treatment of the woman (rightly so by the way) …. thus she can only see one side, no cause and effect. I know some ladies who, though they struggle to concede there might be two sides to an issue, nevertheless end up admitting it … mainly as they know I’m soft on them and they’re soft on me.
As for this McGregor … what an animal. For a start, going near a drunk woman is one thing (guilty, m’lud), taking advantage of the situation (also guilty, m’lud) … but roughing her up? That’s deathcult stuff. Hates women? Why? I always failed to think that way and can’t understand a man who does hate the ladies. Like why? They’re lovely … at least any I’d be interested in, those who could look past my negatives sufficiently to form a bond.
I really don’t understand McGregor, despite a certain amount of Irish blood within … wildness is in this blood, dour curmudgeonliness in the Yorks blood. When a colleen becomes impossible, I used to just storm out and go down the pub.
And yet … and yet … every female I’ve ever been at close quarters with (just one or two y’understand, me being near-virginal) has definitely liked being manhandled … with respect. It can’t be expressed in words but I’m sure y’all understand this thing. The crime is in treating her like a slab of meat because then it’s all about you … but it needs to be all about her. Simple enough to understand I’d have thought, even for a man.
Just wondering … is the person who creates the preconditions for or arranges murders just as much a murderer as the doctors and nurses carrying them out … or even the hospital administrators? And if there’s a pattern of murders, is that PM then a mass murdering gangster, not unlike Al Capone (allegedly) or Blair or Killery?
5. DAD at 894 creatively numbers and letters today
a) Oh dear! Africa is not happy with France.
ai) Sénégal : President Diomaye Faye asks France to close its military bases.
aii) A few hours after the visit of French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, Chad announced that it was ending its security and defense agreements with France.
b) International markets appear to be increasingly weary of potential political instability in France, pushing up interest rates.
c) Notre-Dame is reopened after the fire.
JH: Quite surprised how well they did and that cross is a proper Christian cross, not this hybrid sun worshipping thing as in the Vatican. They still have Mary in there with Jesus but hey … they did all right in restoring it.
Wiki, in its denial piece, has actually nicely affirmed what I’ve been banging on about since returning … namely that it’s the Ukraine … not without the article … plus it is very important that it be called that, something so-called big pundits constantly get wrong.
“The name of Ukraine is frequently interpreted as coming from the old Slavic term for ‘borderland’ as is the word krajina.”
In Slavic languages, it means the edge, the outer limits, meaning of Russia. Wiki of course, adopting the globopsycho anti-Russian ideology, is in denial over the “the”:
“Another interpretation is that the name of Ukraine means “region” or “country.”
Bollox … the rendering of the transliterated u-kra-ina is “u”, meaning “at”, followed by “kra”, meaning “the edge”, followed by the loose translation “country” or “region”. And therein lie The Troubles for that tract of land.
Globopsycho latched onto the resentment and offered to “help”, plus Britain in particular has been anti-Russia stretching right back past Petra 1. Thus, in 2014, the US and UK, through NATO and the CIA, instigated and facilitated the coup d’etat and installed, appropriately, a clown.
The rest of that text:
“In the English-speaking world during most of the 20th century, Ukraine (whether independent or not) was referred to as “the Ukraine”. This is because the word ukraina means ‘borderland’ so the definite article would be natural in the English language; this is similar to Nederlanden, which means ‘low lands’ and is rendered in English as “the Netherlands”.
However, since Ukraine’s declaration of independence in 1991, this usage has become politicised and is now rarer, and style guides advise against its use. US ambassador William Taylor said that using “the Ukraine” implies disregard for Ukrainian sovereignty. The official Ukrainian position is that “the Ukraine” is both grammatically and politically incorrect.”
Meaning technically and etymologically correct of course, the position taken by “unherdables”.
“Official” above means the clown world/Zelensky/CIA/NATO position. Just as the autonomous republic I was living in retained its own language and traditions within the Russian Federation, so did the Ukraine and the Krim, or Crimea. Enter globopsycho and the rest you know.
Writers should perhaps be aware of this … that they are making a quite political statement by failing to include the definite article in the Ukraine. Not so much a Russian distinction but a Slavic countries/language distinction.
Main purpose of this item is to illustrate firstly that no MP can be trusted not to lie, esp. inveterate liars like he who should be in prison. Secondly … there are some news snippets which aren’t worth expanding but still need mention, plus I don’t particularly want Hancock’s visage up here before breakfast.
3. Classic case of ‘take it or leave it’
Not sure how Andrew’s getting away with it at Gab but he seems to be, give or take various DDOS attacks, some contributors are highly anti-Z**nist, confusing it with anti J**ish, some are highly Z**nist, I avoid that conflict afap, occasionally mentioning the Talmud.
As well as that, there are some quite ‘out there’ things to be sure (see item heading here) and that’s why I go there … X is highly controlled, despite anything Elon says, it’s full of ladies and they do alter the tone for the softer, plus the gentle-men.
Not so Gab, which is far wilder, more out there. The compensation is various snippets of real data, sometimes lasting minutes but worth their weight when/if eventually borne out.
Incidentally, last check, HQ here, which operates in the back end more like Gab, reported well over 400,000 attacks two weeks ago, trying now for the 500k, most through ggl. Nice to be loved.
2. Woodsy in response to the Haigh thing
1. Steve at 893
Four: “Plucking” and Re-Setting America’s Military Leadership, Halting All Weapons Shipments, LGBT, Boise women heroics, Georgia and EU, Haigh, more.
Three: Narrowest House Majority in 90 Years, Biden-Harris Regime Weaponizes Dept. of Education Against Christian Colleges, Proactive Veterans Submit a List of 18 Potential Nominees, more.
Two: Overview of situation, Boris, UK in proxy war, No EU Troops [the] Ukraine, more.
One: Public Trust Plummeted US Fed govt, uncovered “death batches” Pfizer vaccine, Greenland temps dropping 20 years, European Federation Of Journalists Leaving Musk’s X (good riddance), abortion world’s leading cause of death, more.