(0813) Morning all … we’ve had worse days. (0918)
9. Mr. Far-Right

8. Luvvit

7. All right for you to say, Lee
… we ordinary mortals don’t have that protection.

Simple fact is … no, no petition on that “imm” topic, Lee, because in the UK, it is now, under these communists, an incarcerable offence to dare criticise the invasion or those demographics … unless we’re MPs and therefore protected from the meatheaded demon. Criticise Starmer and stasi, yes … still possible … but he’s bringing in risible “Respect” laws to protect his gang, innee? What a tosser that communist is.
6. The fact that it’s Elon saying it
… adds weight to a relatively simple statement:

6. Many people seem to be deceived by that one, it’s always easier than checking.
Michael Crichton called it the the Gell-Mann effect.