(1239) Afternoon all. (1303)
20. One of the best composers and colour tone capturers atm

19. As bad as each other

18. TDS (see blogrolls)

17. Natalie Harp

16. First part of DAD’s at 890
The parliamentary report by Brigitte Klinkert, MP and former minister, deciphers the reasons for the failure of deportations of illegal immigrants in France. The report highlights several factors:
- Obstruction of countries of origin: In particular the Maghreb countries, where the issuance of consular passes (LPC) is extremely slow or often refused, thus blocking deportation.
- Massive judicial cancellations …
… and so on. Also a piece on Assisted Dying over there.
15. The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
“The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is a phenomenon that describes how people can read an article about a topic they’re knowledgeable about and then forget what they know after turning the page. The effect is named after Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who proposed the existence of quarks
The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect can be described as follows:
- You read an article about a topic you’re knowledgeable about, and notice that the journalist doesn’t understand the facts or issues.
- You read the article with exasperation or amusement, and then turn the page to read about other topics.
- You forget what you know about the topic of the article.
Recorded cases of the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect are rare, but one example is C. S. Lewis. After reading biographical interpretations of his own works, he realized how inaccurate they could be and began to read other interpretations with more caution.”
(H/T Prm)