(1655) Evening all … here we go again … I had a break for a couple of hours.
24. Moosh corner

23. IYE in comments
There are laws on surrogacy in the UK, btw.
22. Steve at 890 with war room
§ Nigel Farage Warns The Globalists’ Escalation Has Placed Globe At Most Dangerous Levels Since 1945
§ Stephen K. Bannon: “You Guys Are Gonna Be Investigated And You’re Gonna Get Crushed”
§ Julie Kelly: “Even If Trump Lost, This Case Wouldn’t Of Survived Another Immunity Test By SCOTUS”
§ Mike Davis: “Nobody Is Above The Law, Lawyer Up Guys”
§ Sheriff Mack On Deportations: “They Will Be Much More Successful If Sheriff’s Are Participating”
§ Dave Walsh Highlights The Amount Of Energy It Will Take To Sustain Artificial Intelligence
Steve also has up Hearts of Oak: Dan Wootton – Media, Musk and the Future of Freedom in the UK and a couple of links before that:

21. Toodles observations on various things
Good girls tend to keep it under wraps but in this case, the observations were so spot on, I had to see if I could get Toods’ permission to run this … she’s looking at the females featured in the past few days here:
“Speaking of plastic surgery for real. I am telling you that picture of L(ara) T you had up yesterday is scary. I saw her on the Fox News Station…I know, I know I rarely watch that channel and certainly not those others except to see from time to tine what they are saying. Tolerating Fox News is very difficult for me.
Any ole way…someone was interviewing LT. Oh my, she is on the way to being gruesome. The only one in that family who has a decent plastic surgeon is his daughter . She has had much done but subtle. She has been getting things done since her teens it is believed.
That woman who used to be married to Gov. Newsom (?) I believe it was him…then she was on the Five and then she was messing around with the Trump son not married to Lara Trump…oh my she looks so scary that it is scary 😱! They have split. Not sure what happened. Too many face lifts and insert and fillers?
Now those other blondes up on the blog were not so bad. The thing is that last luscious one…is she real? I really do not recall seeing white women with such pronounced lips when I was growing up. Some people do have fuller lips than others. I know that. But you could ride to town on that girl’s lips. At least they are nice lips and not weird. Just not naturally occurring as far as I know. Well maybe hers are natural…rare though.
The other two girls were nice and normal. I am thinking second girl was pretty. N3 cute but something a bit fake about her. I can assure you that at least 3 gals if not all are no longer naturally light blondes. They know their hairdressers well.
Mainly LT was/is very scary.
I know that after Julia Roberts came on the scene with that extra large toothy smile and inflated lips eventually other people started doing it.
JR has a naturally wide smile. She may have had fullish lips. In fact she did but not as huge as they had become. She has no Cupid’s bow. I have looked at young photos and images of her when she was a teen. Her lips were not as puffy as they were when we started taking note of her.
In her teens and early 20’s would have been her fullest lips as a young woman getting ready for mating as biology goes. It seems to me hers became fuller for a while after her 30’s…a long while after.
JR’s full lips are calmed down now. The last I saw her as she did the Kamala Harris Job (for money) she appears to be extremely gaunt. To me she looks better than looking as though she had insulation blown into her face with the vacuum turned on reverse suction. Still very gaunt.
I am not trying to talk ugly but people who do all of the plastic surgery remind me of that show where everyone looked like pigs. The beautiful ( to us) woman even after multiple attempts at plastic surgery to look acceptable (🐷) she never could attain the look to be accepted in that society. She was devastated.
She had to go to the ugly farm where all of the other hideously beautiful people went if they could not achieve that 🐽 look and beady eye look. So sad.
That is our society in the States.
Unless there really is a problem for me I would rather not (have plastic surgery). The nose thing must be awful. Maybe procedures are better now than in the past. I am not even suggesting people not do it but it has gotten out of hand in my opinion…don’t cha know?
I hope the boys have calmed down there. Dearieme surely knows how to make friends and influence people, huh?!!!!
Dad and IYE had a funny fuss going on…but Dearrieme … well …DM butting heads with IYE makes a powerful 💥.