(0815) Morning all, not bleah but let’s call it bright but nondescript out there. (0839)
9. Moosh illustrating that there’s nothing new

8. Same all over the west

7. I’m not arguing

6. The persistence of and limits to ignorance

To my mind, ignorance is simply not knowing, and as we can’t know everything, plus there’s a whole global psy-ops corps dedicated to keeping us ignorant, and as we grow in development stages … then it’s a bit harsh, methinks, to castigate ignorance per se. Dispel it, yes, but it is what it is.
Different, quite different, is “ignorant” or “ignoramus”. This involves a certain three wise monkeys, a deliberate intention to remain ignorant on something, the river in Egypt, the refusal to “go there” … sometimes sheer laziness.
Solution? One is the old coffeehouse idea or tavern, where people drop in as and when … not entirely free-for-all and the landlord maintains civility, keeps the structure and ale in good repair, is not interested in building a chain or mass clientele … preferring a cosy haven for those who detive something from it … that’s as much as any retailer in the high street can rightly expect. Concentrate on the product, the rest takes care of itself.
And if there are various taverns about, and folk these days can pub crawl as they wish, Stasi-permitting, then there’s an off chance that ignorance can be at least largely dispelled. For what? Who knows … just to satisfy curiosity maybe?