(0945) Short break, chaps and chapesses. (1013)
12. My blue hell
While this is certainly, an idyll, a dream come true:
… and this old meme was probably true back then:

… the ability to find that is increasingly not today. With the flown-in and boated-in invasion of military age males in cushy accommodation paid for by taxpayers, something else is adding to the horror … I saw how one couple had fled the metropolis and bought out in the sticks, as far from dystopia as possible, the govt had bussed a few hundred right next to them in the country.
I was thinking what would have been had I gone ahead with my hybrid sailing craft. For a start, at sea she’d have been safe enough but in port or anywhere close to shore, even anchored offshore … she would still have been at their mercy.
On a canal in England? Completely at their mercy … the situation’s quite changed now. Stationary plot of land? Ditto. Campavan? Nothing permanent … cramped … shower, power, drinking water, waste products?
All right, how about two couples in tandem, camping legally, end to end, set up an overnight set of panels to connect them?
Hmmmmm … one man on bike, trailer carrying solid tent behind?
All right, floating island on a megaraft, heavily armed? Many issues.
11. Over at Jstack
10. More on the Donald’s judgement

9. Kathy’s newsletter (see TCW in blogrolls)
“Farmers, the living expression of conservatism, are the final bulwark against the State. No one should be under any illusion that they stand in the way of globalism, or that other aspects of this war against farmers were not already under way under the previous Conservative administrations. If you don’t believe me read this report by Sally Beck from early last summer.“
8. Over at UHC