Last episode at HQ for awhile but of course, there are plenty more if you care to run down the list at the end of the link:

Some notes from lil ole me:
As you know, we run mainly Brit and US news and features here, with some France, Europe in general, then further afield. I always felt the casting and the attitude of Lew Grade a bit puzzling at times.
In short, though Tony Curtis was a major actor … well, for a start, he was no Clint Eastwood or John Wayne beside Roger Moore, plus the scriptwriters often had him playing second fiddle … did they think the series would cut it in America?
It was a bit iffy at best, plus the overt sexism, even for that year, for example in this episode where Moore’s approach to romance was to put his hand on her knee … well, let’s just say it’s not my idea of courtship.
Grade? His heart was clearly not in it, though the locales were costing him a mint.
Plots? A bit hammy but not too bad … Greensleeves was one of the better regarded.
Overall? Good, esp. for a rainy/snowy day, plus the femme fatale in each case was a major plus … generally.