(1449) Evening all. That mooted visitation is still on late afternoon or early evening, so shan’t be blogging during that time, chaps and chapesses.
(1930) Much from Andy, IYE, Steve up at 884 … quite some reading and watching … not transferring here, am awaiting MftWC x 4, too cream-crackered for anything else tonight. Sleep well, all.
19. Late developments
(1920) I’m back, was quite a business this evening with five of us, all done, all good. Now … world affairs:

Starting to think the adults are back in the room again … this is world survival we’re talking about. I believe Christian prayer had a lot to do with it, you have your viewpoint.
18. Steve and IYE both address Jaguar
… with legal aspects … also see Bookmarking under Other.
17. IYE at 884

16. Del Monte surprise

15. IYE at 884

14. Steve at 884

16. Del Monte, he say “Oops”.
16. Surprise peas revisited.
You have to be a certain age…. 😉
(For the young ‘uns among us:-
https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/368463-remember-surprise-peas/ )