(0715) Light appearing out there. (1003)
9. 880 has some wild things by Andy and IYE just now
I’m just thinking … is 5G a death ray in itself?
8. Mixed feelings about Elon
… shared I know by a source quoted a few times by IYE. Either Elon does not know and it’s Yaccarino’s minions doing the dirty, unbeknowns to the 2IC EM, or else EM does fully know … I’m inclined to the former for now … that while the big cat’s away … etc. etc.
Here’s what it’s about … huge swathes of MAGA Xers, if not actually disappearing off X, are being swamped by “counterviews” in a clever way. The first move is that either all accounts or only those on a watch list, which used to have unlimited scrolling down the timeline, sometimes showing days of tweets, have now been truncated.
The given explanation is that I’m not blue-ticked, therefore it’s limited usage … please get verified … it’s a notice near the top, along with my specific “impressions” on the “community” in the past seven days … they put it around 7-9K. Why would they bother if I’m such a small account?
The second move is to find a mutual follower (we follow one another) who is most certainly not a MAGA nor anti-Stasi, nor is she rabidly Woke … she’s middling non-polit … a furry animal or garden devotee, also posting pics of herself … a truly feminine account, interesting to apolitical females … which is certainly one of my catchment areas.
But there were something like three dozen of cult cat’s tweets or retweets of someone else … usually either athletic cats or women doing amazing things. Out of a total of maybe seven dozen total before cutoff. No MAGA whatever, no Brit tweeters, not even Brit gardening nor historic scenes posted in the past few days. In other words, one person’s account … a lady called Cult Cat … has been made to flood my timeline … it’s not her doing it, she’s not remotely techie.
Someone in X has seen my mass retweeting of ladies, also the Drainos of the world … and has chosen to flood me with the former.
Which of course means that the only way I could stop that is to block Cult Cat, other options in the right click menu now removed, which of course I’ll not do because she’s a nice lady, obsessed by kittens and women it seems. No Wokery has been inserted at all, so what can I do? My regulars … not so much removed but crowded out … shoved over the cut off edge by sheer numbers of Cult Cat tweets going back months.
Someone is doing that as I say … it’s not her, she’s a good girl. But where are my regulars? Hmmmm.
7. Two Brit topics in one

6. Not “sounds like”, John … IS!

As this is being done contrary to law, by another dept of state, flagrantly, they’re either insane and out of control or else they see a genuine path to flipping the Senate. How so? How could they flip it? Well it would take the collusion of RINOs, both in Senate and on SCOTUS, to buy their silence and non-protest to seats in their own party being flipped and majority lost.
Or else the focus is not flipping the Senate but flipping PA itself first, any other result along the track being a bonus. Why? Well it seems to me that PA is a crucial crossroads, moreso than Michigan, say … in a similar way to how the crime baron had to defeat Kari Lake to keep the moneyspinner of trafficking ticking over. Quite prepared to openly defy the law.
Plus of course keeping themselves out of prison. Remember that Clinton crack about 98% … DC yes, but maybe everywhere else as well. Tall order, Donald.
5. TR and solitary confinement
This is an example of the great side of women … to actually have the support of one, even more, is one of the best things in life … in this case, TR resolutely supported by Kathy Gyngell in her weekly blurb:
“For Tommy Robinson it’s the start of his fourth week in prison. He has eight months and one week to go surviving solitary confinement ‘down the block’ in HMP Woodhill’s segregation unit. Rebel News’s Ezra Levant, one of his few lifelines with the outside world, visited him after the first 15 days of this hell, saying he was OK for the moment. But how long will he manage this? En route back from the prison Ezra explains how the entire segregation unit of 16 cells having been cleared out for him there was no reason to lock him in a cage – as the other cages are empty – and he is neither under any threat nor a threat to others. You can see and read the whole report here.
It is distressing. They’re limiting his exercise to twice a week, though ‘they could literally put exercise equipment outside his door, since it’s just him’. But no, they’re adhering to prison procedures designed for the ‘regular’ inhabitants of the segregation unit (where prisoners are sent to be punished for committing offences while inside the prison). There you have it. He’s in a tiny cell for 23.5 hours of each day, allowed to exercise only two days a week. Even murderers are allowed exercise four days a week, Ezra points out. I ask you, how long would your sanity last? I have no confidence mine would.”
The key roles in society are being … have been … filled by the worst strata of society possible to find … human flotsam, not to put too fine a point on it. And sadly, many of those are female … quite brainwashed into evil … see Sun 6 coming up.
8. Maybe it is a ploy to get you to part with some dosh for a blue tick. Appointing Yacc was suspect in and of itself, imo. He’s going to be too busy with DOGE to be concerned with what is happening at the lower levels of X, esp for free accounts.
JH: Quantum shift … impressions and request for verification gone, back to normal timeline in the last half hour.
The problem is he has now moved on so nobody is there to police the traitors in his organisation.
I think that Elon doesn’t know. He has reduced it that much but the traitors in his organisation are still fiddling with it. Bear in mind Elon is a bit of a leftie, it’s just the left went too far for him to be happy with but he is still on the left.
JH: Yep.