3. Some Sort of Op Ed
Were we to survive all this (jury’s out), then poets and scribes could write rollicking epics of heroes and villains, loyalists and traitors, and call it How the West was Won(Lost). In no particular order, just as the ideas flitted through the mind:
§ The heroes appear out of the woodwork, e.g. Rambo, the good side has a formidable set of allies but the dark forces are highly disciplined and ubiquitous vast armies of mindless orcs.
§ The black joke is that until the civil war started, the dark side saw themselves as light and saw the light as dark … classic s*t*n*c inversion … the dark called itself “liberal” and at Harris’s last rally, had a banner behind her proclaiming “Freedom”, just to mock the light side.
§ Her armies of pink and purple haired “intellectuals” were arrayed to fight us evil “fascists” of ordinary people but the sick joke, as Yuri Bezmenov mentioned in the mid 80s, was that these would be the first up against the wall, the poor, sad saps. The real armies of orcs we’ve already seen, at first sporadically, but now far more often … these are the ones there to slaughter.
§ And us? The array of the ordinary, the exasperated, the furious, the seething? Almost equally useless as we’re simply unherdable cats, falling out over what end up being trifles, niceties, party designations from the legacy days of civilised society. It starts with further rape and slaughter, finally defences are prepared, just as the 10 to 15 percent (in real terms) have done all through The Troubles, with another 15 to 20 percent the bewildered and more again the dismayed … woe is us type … won’t somebody do something!
§ Iconoclasty is a large part of it … old symbols of our culture smashed, burnt, defaced, mistreated … all the better to send us into apoplexy and despair … classic psy-ops. Replaced by monstrosities in town squares, risibly called “art”. Keep an eye on “Christmas” decorations this year.
§ And of course, there’s a hidden shadow govt in waiting … not clown Schultz but the real enemy … I saw one of them in plain sight at a WEF meeting … unremarkable to look at, tallish, nondescript in standard suit, you’d not know him in the crowd. He’s one of the string pullers for his master, well bred yet savage if you gaze through those eyes … pitiless, remorseless, no loyalties but to a dark lord.
§ The gallant but eccentric Monty or Patton of today in the US … he knows, having hobnobbed with the type, but he’s ageing now … he attacks supply lines first … the UN, EU, NATO, the letter agencies … but he’s stymied at every turn by forces not remotely interested in law and order … the Eliases of the world stealing McCormick’s seat and if they succeed … the next sap, in whose seat they suddenly find newly written-in boxes of ballots.
§ But can’t SCOTUS act, the SCs in each state? They could … but check the names on each against the Epstein client list … they won’t or at least will delay until the flipping is over and the houses are Demonrat. In the Senate, the GOP is already termited, the enemy is in control, picked up well by soc-med pundits. Zero intention, the dark side, the Uniparty, that the madman in the WH will ever get there but if he does, it will be with nobbled generals.
§ Why so calm about it? Any true Christian could tell you or any demi-historian who’s read, say, Senator William Jenner from 1954, that this is an army pouring through every chink, every crack … in fiction, we saw it in Matrix 3 … it’s always been out there in plain sight for those who would see.
§ Then there is the zeitgeist of today, no accident by any means, the moral spirit of this age, encapsulated in this tweet by a fellow Xer:

We could of course go back to Kubrik’s orgy film of 1998, Eyes Wide Shut … I myself have written a book in three parts called Masquerade … Sodom and Gomorrah stuff … Nicole Kidman said of it all:
“There was a lot of interest in Eyes Wide Shut before it was released. But the weekend it came out, July 16, 1999, was the death of JFK Jr., his wife and her sister – a black, black weekend. And for Stanley to have died [on March 7, 1999, at age 70] before the film opened… Well, it all felt so dark and strange. Stanley had sent over the cut he considered done to us, Tom and I watched it in New York – and then he died.”
Coincidence? Have it your own way but it certainly describes today, the great falling away before the barbarians descend. Why so calm, I asked? I’m just a scribe.
§ Which is the Donald? Some sort of Christian Moses? Or the other fella who goes on to abominate The New Temple? I’m thinking he may be too old, there may be another in the wings to take up what he started. Nuff for now.
2. DAD drops these
a) France is grappling with an alarming surge in drug-related violence, from grisly murders in Marseille to deadly clashes in smaller towns. As criminal networks thrive, the government has declared the fight against trafficking a “national cause” – but experts warn the crisis may be spiralling beyond the control of law enforcement.*
*JH: This will also be part of SSofOE soonish.
b) The ‘new’ crime wave in Paris on older ladies [60 – 90 years.] They describe the same well-oiled modus operandi: they were returning home, to their building, when a tall man (1m89 precisely), of slim build (89 kilos), of African type, followed them under the pretext of going to a neighbor’s, before getting into the elevator with her …..
c) French farmers are planning their manifestations. The main agricultural unions – the FNSEA and the JA from Monday …..
d) Several names engraved on the war memorial on Place Bernard-Roumégoux in Gradignan have been seriously damaged. The city has decided to file a complaint …..*
*JH: See previous two notes.
1. Steve and excerpts from the drops at 878
Evets 4: Russia Open to Ukraine Peace Talks as Long as Trump Starts Them, But Those Need To Be Based on the ‘Realities on the Ground’- Ambassador
Evets 3: Dem Congressman Openly Reveals Plot to Form Shadow Government – Names Individuals Who Could Undermine Every Trump Cabinet Member*
*JH: Going to develop a case soon today, starting with this statement.
Evets 2: More Russian Strikes Hit Kiev Forces In Kursk
Evets 1: Meet the Anti-Baby Activists Trying to Ensure Humanity Literally Has No Future