(1705) Evening all.
19. Looking at a few blog colleagues and their blogs
… it’s interesting (to me) how certain things come together about the same time. I’d just been looking at Vox Day’s report:
… and the idea occurred to check out how Tom’s doing:
… and then Bayou Renaissance Man:
… a fave of Chuckles who shuffled off over two years ago … and the card site I use said haiku’s bday’s coming up and I’m thinking … I’m starting to run out of people I know … esp. this evening. Jobs were done too early and not being all that tired for once, plus Gab and X have not a lot … for once I found myself at a loose end, went to youtube recommendeds and there was this:
Hey, stop all this, would you?! Daren’t look anywhere else just now, getting the idea someone’s trying to tell me something.
Thing is … we were the blog class of 2006, Tom and I, others I know were one, two years before that. Now, with the best will in the world, 2010 was fine … Pigboy Dave etc., 2016 and Brexit was still ok … then came the heart attack, then we all had the covid, lockdowns and jabs bollox … and suddenly:
Now hang on just one moment there … I feel I’m being DNRed … the NHS were pressuring me sommit awful to come in and get deathjabbed, some annoyed male doctor wrote to say he wanted me to come in that day to be jabbed … sorry, I’d rather stay healthy. Sort of anyway. Much greater risk going out and succumbing to the lurgy, let alone the social mess out there now.
All I can say is that if you are in the middle of endless tests and procedures, all the best, prayers for you … keeping your mental health up in Two Tier Stasiland seems the major job at this time. Across the pond, the Donald’s just appointed:

Looks a child to me, though she’s 27. Had my timeline been normal … married at the std age, our kid married at the std age of yesteryear, by my reckoning, she could almost be my grandchild, then add the C21st and she’d be just having my first great-grandchild about now … pretty frightening, that.
Addendum at 2044
Just looking at the Fairport song above … released 1969 … yikes! Now, in the picture, how old are the young people behind the fence? Simon Nicol 1950, so 19 at the time of the song … Dave Swarbrick 1941, so 28 at the time of the song.
Now the parents, more interesting to me at that moment:
“Eric Hayes took the photo on the sleeve design for the UK release, which featured neither album title nor band name.[17] The photo captured Denny’s parents, Neil and Edna Denny, standing outside the family home at 9B Arthur Road, Wimbledon, South London, with the band distantly visible through the garden fence.[18] St Mary’s Church, Wimbledon, can be seen in the background.[19]”
Sandy Denny was 19 in 1966 when she wrote it (birthyear 1947), 22 when she sang it here. Now, the two parents … how old?
At the time of that song then, father was 57 and mother 53.
One more thing
My mother, at 58, said to me one day when I visited them: “You’re only as good as your health.”
18. Andy at 879
My mate at the bowls club refuses to listen when I talk on cloud seeding and aerosols in the atmosphere. He won’t like this.
17. Steve and war room at 879
a. Natalie Winters Shreds Woke Elitists For Their Criticism Of Gaetz And Gabbard
b. Wade Miller: “I’m Excited The Deep State Is On The Verge Of Actually Being Held Accountable”
c. Ryan Walters: “It’s An America First Agenda Here In Oklahoma, Every County Voted Trump”
d. Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Legal Appointments