(0742). Just awoke after bad sleep and nightmare, shall recover. (0847)
7. Well well well well

Clifton Bridge leaves X? Somehow a bridge has gone Woke left … psycho.
6. Well well well

5. TCW article
4. DAD drops
a) Samuel Paty; the case against several people who aided his killer has started. Why were they allowed to live in France? Also the final sentence is unforgivable.
b) The University of Nantes excludes the local president of the UNI [Student Union] for 9 months because the union had denounced, with video evidence, the remarks of a far-left spokesperson who had declared that she “sh*ts on the w**** race”.
c) In Canada, doctors can treat their patients with an unusual medicine: death. While the nation claims its doctors meet “certain safeguards” before killing their patients under the label “euthanasia,” new documents show ….
d) Fearing doctors, Christine had this message tattooed on her arm: “Don’t euthanize me.”