(1458) (1731) Evening all. (2354)
26. Twittering about toughness
Hoping readers can see through this rabbiting on about myself below and see it’s actually about you and the times coming up … do you think Them will give up so easily … interestingly, it’s some Christian women who wrote this thought. There’s one thing someone being perma-anxious (I’m one, not unlike some women I’ve known), worrying unduly … but then there’s also the opposite … being blind to reality … and Stalin means every word about making life hell for us. Real hell, not bourgeois notions of hell. Deprivation as only a Ukrainian might know.
Three tales, incidents from my past, which have a bearing here. I’ve already mentioned military route marches and this debilitating fatigue, not muscle but blood in some way, and when I did catch up with them, they got up after a rest and moved on. Bstds. But that sort of relationship existed between men … you learnt never to show weakness, never to “whine” as MMUTR calls it.
Second tale, more fool me … went skiing with a mate … he was a sportsman, said let’s go black (slopes were black for professional, red for high intermediate, blue for average) … he just turned and went down this black between the trees, essentially schussing … at one point I came a cropper, twisted something. He stopped, trudged back up, past me, to the ridge and was gone. Whaa? Bstd! Saw him later, in the only chalet bar near there, birds around him. There was no possibility of saying anything … some girl we knew wondered where I’d been. “Lovely night out for a walk,” I said. He was watching outof the corner of his eye.
Third tale … Russian gym, men only (women’s day alternated) … it was strictly training. One experienced gym rat took a shine to the newbie and gave me advice … never go to the mirror and flex muscles, never wander up and down between sets, making a big deal of your last set … no one’s impressed, they have their own routines etc. etc. Got into an argument with some deadhead, the trainer on duty came over and addressed me, not him. “Grow up, James.” The whole gym heard it, smiles all round. No choice but to finish the day’s programme, shower and go. Memo to self not to be embarrassing again.
Fourth tale of three … think she was called karen (before it became a dirty word) … fellow teacher … I’d been moaning about something again … she fronted me and said, “You’ve been around women too long. You’re an old woman.” Silence. A bit like my Russian gf who stopped me mid-fight and said, “Stop arguing with me, I’ll just keep going don’t you understand, just don’t engage, I need you to be a rock, not another girl.” Dem Russian gals are tough.
As you may have gathered, I’ve woken up now at 2345, saw Steve’s comment, thought sh***, best get NOWP sorted, reply to IYE too, then get some kip, which I shall. Point of this whole set of tales? I think maybe that we need to be more stoic, I see trouble ahead and a certain mindset’s going to survive, while another mindset wanting softness ain’t gonna cut it … no matter how old and deserving of easy handling we think we are. This is no world for older people now … adjust … or perish.
One great way to do that is to feel responsible for something or some people, to have a job to do and if you’ve not done it, you lose cred … is there anyone else on earth tougher than DJT? Maverick too. Runs on Maccas. How old? 78? A Teddy Roosevelt rough rider. He’s off the bleedin’ planet, a narcissist, but do you doubt he’ll get the job done? Juss sayin’ … that’s a much better place to be, being demanded of, it keeps you alive when you just want respite. For how long? Till the end. Just thinking out loud, you know, seven minutes short of midnight … goodnight, all.
25. Those voting MAGA

Tulsi Gabbard is set to be named Director of National Intelligence by President Trump. (Source: Punchbowl)
24. Isilme and the butcher’s new pies
And now, changing the subject, our butcher has started to stock ‘family size’ pies. They are the talk of the village! A couple of weeks ago, at craft club, they were talking about the pies and saying how wonderful they are. As the butcher is just over the road from where the craft club meets, I popped in on the way home and bought a lamb and mint pie.
Well, what can I say? I think there was a whole sheep in there. It was two inches deep, this pie, and as big as a dinner plate. There were no vegetables in it, just meat and thick gravy (and mint, I guess!) – and there was no gap between the meat and the top crust. The chunks of meat in it were literally as big as a fist. Well, maybe slightly smaller, but not by much. It was yummy scrummy that’s for sure.
It only cost £7.99 and I couldn’t make it myself for that price, not with all that meat in it.

We cut it into six portions. My Beloved wanted to cut it into four because he thought a quarter of a pie was a goodly portion to have, but afterwards he agreed that he couldn’t actually have eaten that much and a sixth was plenty.
This Saturday just gone, we went to the coffee morning and even more people were talking about the pies. My Beloved said we should go and buy another one – we should try the steak one this time. So we bought the last steak pie. Poor dear was so disappointed – I’d planned fish and chips for Saturday’s meal and he’d hoped to get pie. However, I made it for Sunday and he was well pleased, although the chunks of meat were a bit smaller (golf ball sized).
The butcher said that the first week he stocked the pies, he sold 12. The following week he sold 32. The week after that, he sold 50. I think maybe the whole village is living on pies now!

On Tuesday morning I called in after craft club but he was awaiting a delivery of pies, so I asked him to set aside a lamb and mint pie for me. When I went to collect it, he said he had 15 pies delivered at 12.30pm and by 1.30pm when I collected my pie, he only had four left – well, three after I took mine! It’s a good job I got him to put mine aside!
This pie, however, is going in the freezer because it is excellent for when we have visitors – very impressive. (see pics below of the lamb pie that’s going into the freezer)
23. Steve and war room at 876
a. Natalie Winters: I’d Like To Put Out A Missing Persons Alert For 10 Million Dem Voters That Didn’t Show Up
b. Mike Benz: Breaks Down What The Left’s Censorship Will Look Like In The Trump Era*
c. Phillip Patrick: “We Have To Remember The Fiscal Basket Case Trump Is Walking Into”
d. Ben Harnwell: Biden’s weaponised DOJ now needs to be turned on those responsible for weaponising it
*JH: Most important item here, readers, is asterisked above … I’m saving.
22. Still awaiting the vote result
1730 GMT: Thune. Draino writes: “Rick Scott missed the 2nd ballot by 2 votes to Cornyn.”
DJT has landed in Washington. This at 1656 GMT:

21. IYE at 877 on the distraction from the Senate Leader vote
… or whatever else they’re covering:

I wrote: “Could not run a live broadcast in the UK, IYE … sorry … there’s a thing called TV licence and it is worded to cover such a thing as this youtube. I can link HERE and readers can watch there. Legalities, sorry, esp. given Sonalli’s woes.”
Some will say that it’s only for watching the Beeb, the licence fee, but I’ve read the fine print about devices and types of broadcast … plus the stasi are looking for pretexts. Personally, I’m waiting until it’s well over before I look. Meanwhile, I await the Leader name.
20. Andy at 876

19. Steve at 876

JH: What turned a potential honey into such an anti-human viper?
18. Senate leader?
At 3 p.m. GMT, it’s on now.
17. Bless the small farmers