(1145) Afternoon all. (1248)
23. Over at OoL
22. Merseyrail farce
There are two aspects which hit me … one is the woeful state of the kit … the second being how little they care about ordinary folk … totally out of touch, not unlike Starmer and Westminster as a whole.
“Merseyrail passengers have slammed an “absolute farce” from the operator after a notice was issued at 9pm on Monday evening warning of major changes to timetables the following morning.
The notice stated that the network’s New Brighton and Headbolt Lane lines would be operating a reduced timetable today (Tuesday November 12). It was explained that the sudden changes were down to an increased number of the operator’s new fleet of trains undergoing maintenance.”
21. Moosh corner

20. Fanatics

19. Saw this at Dan Wootton

Same old same old … various blacks we like, e.g. music reactors, those on X … but corporations, for profit and Woke cred, ignoring home grown talent … no way. So Boots is off my list altogether.
18. Tucker

17. Housekeeping
Further refining this housekeeping v some sort of op ed thing (in my own mind), a better distinction is housekeeping is within these walls … ss of oped is outside there in the big, bad world.
This is housekeeping. If I have the slightest lurgy coming down, first hit is throat, second is the “phone ear”, then the rest follows. Only solution is hoody on, hood up, into bed (where I’m typing this at you from) … and having the luxury to do that is a boon … liquid, good food … st some stage get up and do jobs, get the bod active, back to bed. That usually kills it in 24 hrs.
Give you an idea of brain fade … I saw the Sterling post and the autumn leaves in the sidebar … groan, thought I’d posted it at UHC. Slowly realised I hadn’t. That level of malfunctioning brain ain’t good. However, there are some screenshots to post.
DAD, I’m beyond finding baroque music for now. Once recovered.
You too, eh? My first cold for about three years, and it’s only just gone midday and I already fancy a snooze…
JH: Just in solidarity with you, Julia … can’t let yo have all the fun. ☺️🍹
Not to worry about finding musique. I have plenty of CDs. Also a long list on my computer to which I have not yet listened.
Get well; not too much hot rum.
JH: Rum … now there’s an idea!
Lurgy’s back over here too. Fog returned. Hot rum recommended. Spoonful of raw (unpasturised) honey taken separately. Do not heat honey as heat destroys the nutrients in it. Them don’t want you to know that!!!
Btw – Welby has g.o.n.e.
JH: Sounds yummy, rum and honey.
Funny, I haven’t suffered from anything more than snuffles for well over a decade. Just recovered from a nasty bout of something, probably caught at our bowls club dinner and presentation evening on November 2.
JH: Nasty things about now, Andy … they’re poisoning us.