(0527) Another day doesn’t quite dawn yet. (0711)
4. Remembrance Day
3. Some sort of Sunday op ed
Were I to be asked which items this morning to look at first, for an overview … I’d say last evening’s Candace for the overall overview of Them, supplemented by the Duran today at 873, supplemented by the Sinema aide LDS (Lake derangement syndrome), supplemented at the lawlesness everywhere, with no attempt to stop it by “authorities” … only to stop us, the ordinary homebodies and pub pint drinkers.
Now, as it’s Remembrance Day, plus it’s Sunday anyway, I’m going to wax religious for a moment.
Were you to look at Matthew 22:39: “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself …” … you’d understand the magnitude of such an admonition.
Were you to then reflect on Anakin Skywalker going out of his brain with anger at what had been done to innocents in that village, under the brainwashing influence of Palpatine … then you’d see the endless, satanic, slaughter-begets-slaughter forever and ever, no respite … to the delight of the psycho and henchmen at the top … which brings us back to Candace’s guest last evening at HQ.
Exacting revenge brings in Romans 12:17-21 about “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” … which is a very difficult saying, which methinks has been confused with the need for immediate self-defence, particularly to defend your family … something I do not play down in the least, quite the opposite.
Consider the atrocity-doers though themselves, the lawless, loveless, at war with themselves in their own heads … the doers of unspeakable cruelties … yes, we can be as bad as them if we wish, if we slide down into that sewer, addicted to slaughter, barely human …
… the issue to my mind is how to steer a way through all this whilst retaining at least some sort of humanity within ourselves. In other words, not crossing that line into brainwashedness, abetting arranged atrocities by those at the top.
It requires a powerful force indeed, inside us, preventing the slide into that abyss of self-disrespect, loss of ethics, loss of humanity … the end goal of satanic groups such as jihadis, Azov Brigade, Janjaweed … there are so many … the EU, UN, NATO. Even Swift and her slutty model for female kids … part of the same lot.
My question is … what is there a singular absence of within too many humans today, esp. the Woke and the invaders? If you answer, “Religion! Get some firm Welby or Pope or Ian Paisley or Gerry Adams Religion into em, Sgt-Major, beat it into the little bggrs …” … then imho, that’s entirely mising the whole point of the New Testament … which is to get yourself in order first … straighten up and fly right … it’s sorting oneself out first, refusing to act as a little savage … not from cowardice but from strategy …
… keep your powder dry, choose your battles, stay in control of yourself, stick with a sane code of living. And the West has had such a code for centuries, for two millennia … which has the effect, along with some classical historicity mixed in, with the absence of ignorance, along with a generally benign attitude … of producing a God-loving, country-loving, family-loving and self-loving, civilised person, not some barbaric, savage soul.

Yes, it does need that Code of Living but at the same time, it requires that Teddy Roosevelt maxim of “speaking softly but carrying a big stick”. In other words, look at that guest of Candace again and his story … pangs of conscience, started to believe in right and wrong, remorse … it went from there.
Net effect? Courage, ladies and gentlemen … courage … which both those people in that clip have oodles of. Whence? Where did that immense courage spring from? From a bottle? From a needle? Whence David’s courage before Goliath? Whence the statue of the little girl before the raging bull in Brussels? To say “from feminism” to the latter is the ultimate Lie. Most of a certain age brought up in the West know exactly whence that courage.
Now that’s as “religious” as I’m getting for now, until later around Remembrance time (11th of the 11th, at 11).
2. Selection from Steve’s last evening drops at 872
Evets 4: Rejoice! Bells Ring Again at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, in the Run-up to December Reopening
Evets 3: Former Kyrsten Sinema Aide Says Ruben Gallego “F*cking Hates” Kari Lake, “Wants Her To Die” on O’Keefe Media Group Hidden Camera – Claims Sinema is Gunning For ASU Presidency in Possible Quid Pro Quo
Evets2: German political obsession to destroy Russia is wrecking Germany – The Duran
Evets 1: Hacking of Internet Archive led to a “black hole” of archiving webpages before they were changed or removed; could this have been the aim?
1. DAD droppeth at 873
a) The police went to the home of this 41-year-old man from Drôme for a search in a drug case, in which he is suspected of having played a secondary role. In detail: the police found …
b) The investigation is progressing following the violent brawl that broke out on Monday, November 4th at a station in the Paris suburbs. The fight involved rival gangs who clashed with axes. There were four victims, aged 16 and 17 ….
c) Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has denied suggesting US President-elect Donald Trump was a Russian asset despite a video of him making the claim during a Polish pre-election meeting in the spring of 2023.
d) Investigators searched the offices of U.S. streaming giant Netflix in France and the Netherlands as part of a preliminary investigation into tax fraud laundering….
Remembering my Uncle today. Killed in action he has no grave, however he is with his shipmates who died alongside him 80 years ago. To those men who perished when two torpedoes from U413 struck HMS Warwick, and sank it, we will remember. To Fred, a teenager from Devon:
I walked in loamy Wessex lanes, afar
From rail-track and from highway, and I heard
In field and farmstead many an ancient word
Of local lineage like ‘Thu bist,’ ‘Er war,’
‘Ich woll’, ‘Er sholl’, and by-talk similar,
Nigh as they speak who in this month’s moon gird
At England’s very loins, thereunto spurred
By gangs whose glory threats and slaughters are.
Then seemed a Heart crying: ‘Whosoever they be
At root and bottom of this, who flung this flame
Between kin folk kin tongued even as are we,
‘Sinister, ugly, lurid, be their fame;
May their familiars grow to shun their name,
And their brood perish everlastingly.’