(0800) Hoping you’re all surviving Friday so far. (1054)
15. No unity with the wicked
Andrew Torba says it, Vox says it, I say it … tolerance of evil is no Christian virtue. You can only have unity with those wishing you ill, wishing your death, wishing you misery … once there is repentance on their part.
Cuts both ways of course … if we ourselves have done wrong things in the past, there must be recognition of that first, remorse, repentance, atonement. The Woke left though are wrong … they’re utterly in the wrong. Ball’s in their court, if ever they mature enough.
You may have seen veterans groups planning to turn their back on Starmer at the Cenotaph. Quite right, otherwise it’s complicit in his deeds and attitudes.
As for Armistice and Remembrance itself … for how long? In one sense, if it alters shape with time … bringing in other British conflicts … fine … as long as the original day still gets a mention.
How long, in terms of years? Should we say once one’s great grandparents die? Should we say one hundred years? How long for?
14. Hallelujah, Kari

13. This climate BS must stop right now

12. DAD also sent
Thomas Hood
1799 – 1845
No sun—no moon!
No morn—no noon—
No dawn—
No sky—no earthly view—
No distance looking blue—
No road—no street—no “t’other side the way”—
No end to any Row—
No indications where the Crescents go—
No top to any steeple—
No recognitions of familiar people—
No courtesies for showing ’em—
No knowing ’em!
No traveling at all—no locomotion,
No inkling of the way—no notion—
“No go”—by land or ocean—
No mail—no post—
No news from any foreign coast—
No park—no ring—no afternoon gentility—
No company—no nobility—
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member—
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,
11. Today’s French lesson
DAD sent this:
Lors d’échanges virulents, des policiers israéliens ont entouré deux gendarmes français, en empoignant l’un d’eux de force et en le mettant au sol avant de l’embarquer dans une voiture de police. Le fonctionnaire, qui s’était identifié, a hurlé plusieurs fois « Ne me touche pas ! ». Les deux gendarmes ont été ensuite relâchés et il n’a pas été précisé pourquoi les policiers israéliens étaient entrés sur le site.
La réponse de Paris n’a pas tardé. « L’ambassadeur d’Israël en France sera convoqué au ministère dans les prochains jours », a indiqué le Quai d’Orsay, ajoutant que la présence de forces de la sécurité israélienne sur ce site de pèlerinage ainsi que la brève arrestation de deux gendarmes français n’étaient « pas acceptables ».
The actual story is that two Israeli police were sent by car into a sensitive zone patrolled or maintained by the French, not unlike in Berlin, way back when. All sorts of fisticuffs ensued. Paris backed its officers etc. etc.
The back story is that in certain zones, e.g. on the Temple Mount, the loony jihadis see it as the green light for the final conflagration, so it’s a red rag to the goat breeders.
That’s not my interest in the article … my interest was in the language. In Russian, there’s an expression “malenki slovarni zapas” … small word store, meaning restricted vocabulary. The issue is not not knowing the rules, most endings etc. but actually finding the words to use.
In reading the two paragraphs above, which were pretty easy really … I think most of you who had schoolchild French, you could do it … the issue for me was “lors”, which really does alter the context. Lors means during and Lors d’échanges means During exchanges, which is similar to how we might say it. Just why I’d forgotten keyword “lors”, in the same way perhaps as “maintenant” … wwweeellll, there are holes in the brain’s “zapas”, no?
13. That graph tells the whole story – even Ed Miliband must understand it. It’s so simple it counts as evidence that he does understand it and knows how destructive it is.
Astonishing ! We have sunshine !
The poem must have shamed Mother Nature.
Watch out – that fog is on its way to the UK so the “experts” are saying!