(1133) Morning all … anyone up yet? 😎 What a morning … it all hit, domestically, from different directions earlier and I just did not get to blog at all. The upshot, after it all, is a radically different domestic situation and might I suggest that you all be on your toes as well … as the forces of bad are only going to redouble their efforts now.
When I say radically different, surprisingly it’s been better for me so no complaints. I’m also coming out of some heart and circulation concerns I’ve had for three days … no one’s been able to contact me locally and today is included but following today, hopefully it settles down a bit. Anyway, down to today’s doings. (1249)
7. IYE
a. Ursula sucking up to DJT.
b. Obamas fled….permanently? Or off to meet with their masters?
c. If Trump won in 2020, he would’ve had a Democrat House and Senate More impeachments, no Senate confirmations, no bills passed, and possibly the end of the MAGA movement as an effective political force …
6. Andy caused me to write this
Plus 868 has many items today … still working through them.
5. Steve drops at 868
Not a complete rundown … go to 868 for that, as with DAD … here are just some items:
a. Too Big To Rig! Trump Wins Michigan — Despite The Best Efforts of America’s Dirtiest Secretary of State.
b. Sue Gray’s ousting as Downing Street Chief of Staff is not what it seems.
4. DAD news
a. “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command].”
a) Man struck in the throat with a screwdriver in Montpellier.
b) Woman found in Belgium with her throat cut.
c) Lyon: armed with a machete, they attack and rob passers-by in a train station
Just a quick perusal of news this morning.
b. France is turning into a ‘Mexicanized narco-state’ with drug wars fought across the country, teenagers being stabbed and burned alive … etc.
3. Get knotted, Maitlis
Emily Maitlis loved last week’s PMQs: ‘Just imagine if PMQs was like this every week. Conciliatory. Helpful. By [sic] partisan. Passionate and compassionate.’
Your correspondent was thinking more on the lines of ‘get a room.’ It may have suited Sir Keir to face Walter the Softy but cross-party collusion has often been the bane of good politics, whether re Brexit or destructive Covid lockdowns. The Commons and especially PMQs should be a bear garden.
La Maitlis herself was not all sweetness and light this morning as Trump became President-Elect
2. TDS

1. Quora comes good again
Richard Smith, former auditor: Why do hotel guests put a towel under their door?
“As someone who spends a lot of time on the road for work I feel well qualified to answer this. On average, I am staying in hotels for 35 weeks out of the year.
I almost always put a towel under the door. Often the gap at the bottom of door is a full inch or more and the light spilling in makes it difficult to sleep. I also travel with binder clips to help close the blackout curtains.
Talking to other travelers over the years I’ve learned that people traveling with pets will do this to help keep their fur buddies from getting excited every time someone passes by in the hallway.”