Sundance wrote something which particularly resonates with me:
The 2024 victory belongs to everyone. It took a massive effort by every segment of the electorate to unite and achieve victory. However, I would be remiss if I did not attribute special appreciation to Generation Z (Gen-Z), who provided the best irony of the election victory.
The era of Obama was brought upon us by the 18- to 25-year-old Millennials who were duped by The Lightbringer in 2008. The end of the error was brought about by the same 18- to 25-year-old Gen Z in 2024. Represented by Barron Trump, “Too big to rig” was indeed appropriate.
There was some valid criticism of the idea of generation designations, that they’re continuous, that it was an advertising industry thing, that you can’t make too much of it … yep, agreed … and yet there really are habits and lifestyles which do follow a generational model.
On the other hand, Boomers is too broad a term … there were early Boomers coming out of 50s culture, quite different to later, pre-Gen X … which were sometimes called Generation Jones.
In the mid 80s, Yuri Bezmenov warned about the “demoralization” of America, and by extension … the West … that each new generation was less able than the last, more prone to believe rubbish, e.g. top down, fed by leftist gurus and professors, without question. Yuri B said that one could not show the brainwashed facts, history, anything real, as they had their own brainwashed histories, lies, fed them.
The nadir of generations in the West was clearly the Millennials … too many Woke left, violent if not having their way, unhappy, so prone to what we see out there now. They became parents and thus too many little children are body mutilated, into sex and drugs … Millennial parents, too often single mothers with a variety of men, all Woke left.
Yuri B said it would take two more generations to escape. First, one generation, still mostly brainwashed (early Gen Z) started to contain dissidents … from dissident parents … and started to question the Woke left narrative on this or that point.
Eventually, enough Gen Z, not all, would rebel against the top down evil and here is one right here:

She’s on X, name of Morgonn @morgonnm, anti-feminist Gen Zee … in the photo, she’s demonstrating against those demonstrating against her. Like Eva Vlaar in the Netherlands, she’s a fearless reporter on soc-med … there are many now, still not enough.
They refused to vote for the bad people, monsters such as Harris, RINOs too. Eva Vlaar (1996) has a baby inside her right now and was reacting to Trump’s victory:

Remembering that she’s late Millennial/early Gen Zee, her baby is the next generation plus one (generations being diagonal) … that’s beyond my time, way past my due date but I can tell you it’s encouraging.
Now look at the Donald … 1946 … very early Boomer, post-war … so upon him right now, plus his Veep JDV (1984, earlyish Millennial), plus people like Anna Paulina (1989, mid-Millennial) is the fate of the new new order. It’s their world now … if they hadn’t dug in, plus many Gen Zee, plus good women, plus legal immigrants, then the destroyers would have won and destroyed the West.
And who are their troops, brainwashed by globopsycho? Look at the Morgonn photo again … Woke women mainly, leftist men too, plus karens, Swifties … firmly believing that they are the good people, just as globopsycho believe, not the slightest self doubt.
Psst! Leftist men are “Kevins” apparently. So the “Karens” are no longer alone.
JH: I stand corrected … well actually lounging around, sipping liquid.