(0338 GMT) Just woke up (literally), instant check, spray of screenshots below to give you the idea. Remember, this is a live blogging post, reading from here downwards … scroll down, good reader:

Anna Paulina and Kari took theirs.
Utah’s gone to Trump … so many more where the rep is Xing.
This is at 0345 GMT, take 5 hours for east coast, 8 hours for west coast … it’s still very much still live, not every polling station has closed, no other major announcements as of now.
Momentum seems as in 2020 before burst water mains and ballot dumps … that is right now, it’s that time of the night (0349 GMT).
Chairman Whately is significant … this is not MAGA, this is the RNC itself.
Summary and notice (at 0359 GMT)
This live blog will go on until DAD drop around 0530 GMT, then other matters. Due for a second sleep, we’ll see.
Overall, those expected to go red and blue are, massive cheating by demonrat party, still very much in play at that 2020 (year) moment but remember that the house is in play too. At NOWP and link below here, IYE and Steve with further explanations.
This will be the live blog for the US elections until it becomes unwieldy or outdated … which might be quite soon … keep it all in the one place for now … I’ll signpost below where it will continue.
0413 GMT:

0422 GMT:

0427 GMT

0441 GMT
Absolutely delighted for North Carolina … now they’ll get some decent treatment. My eyes are more on the House now … the Demonrats want the House badly.
0503 GMT

0520 GMT
Starting to get unwieldy, this post, starting to think a continuation post further up, after DAD drop.
Not yet out of the woods over there …

0529 GMT
This has become too long and unwieldy. DAD has dropped at NOWP. Short break, back with another election post a bit later.
This now continues, taverners all, at Wednesday 8.