(1555) Right out of it here, chaps and chapesses … is it evening yet?
22. Related to 21 on Arizona plus other matters
Going to just type this at 0121 GMT … sleep and circulation issue I’d better attend to … each screenshot takes too much time … since I put out on X about Kari Lake some hours back, there’s been quite a US response, the most reassuring being Harmeet K. Dhillon, one of DJT’s key lawyers in prior lawfare on him.
Firstly, that lawfare … James, Willis and Merchan have vowed to see Trump in prison and will redouble efforts to put a sitting President away … this is beyond insanity now. Opinion is mixed about if that will be possible, given countersuits on the three for abuse … meanwhile, Jack Smith is getting leaned on by a suddenly responsible DoJ to drop all of it.
Arizona … MAGA and GOP are well aware, have a battery of lawyers and watchers there … issue is the 61% votes cast, now it seems 67% … how ridiculous is the counting? Then someone says that magic word Maricopa and all is clear … wildly corrupt county, all officials should be behind bars.
My own lil ole concern is well answered … yes, they’re well aware, the GOP … the big question being why anyone would vote straight Trump in Az for Pres but Demonrat for Senate? Is there something the people themselves don’t like about her or is it something else? The something else could easily be her Christian stance upfront but is more likely, imho, to be her knowledge of the fake governor Kathleen Hobbs in the gov race, Hobbs’s crimes.
Also, someone pointed out that the bottleneck is preventing heavily GOP bundles being dropped and counted. Whole thing is well beyond lil ole me, Maricopa.
21. Just posted this on X
I’m reading that now that Lara and the GOP have taken their eyes off the ball, late ballot drops, e.g. in Arizona, threaten to defeat Kari Lake.

20. Masih Alinejad on X

“Exclusive: Ahoo Daryaei Revealed as the Woman Who Undressed in Protest Against Morality Police Close associates of Ahoo Daryaei, a student who protested against morality police harassment at Tehran’s Science and Research University by removing her clothes, have shared photos and details about her with me.
One of her associates said, “Her official name is Mahla, but her friends and close ones call her Ahoo, at her request. We know her as an incredibly brave woman who never accepted coercion.” Another source told me that Ahoo Daryaei has two young children. She was married once but separated from her husband some time ago. Her ex-husband was the brought on camera by state TV, claiming to be her spouse and asking people not to share her images.
A close friend added that authorities have disabled Ahoo’s Instagram account, where she shared many videos and photos of herself and her children, clearly showing that she was not only mentally sound but also a lively, courageous woman filled with joy and vitality. In sending Ahoo’s pictures, this source emphasized, “Ahoo, besides being exceptionally intelligent and achieving the highest grades, was well-known among her friends and classmates for her courage and determination to stand up against oppression. She defended her rights multiple times, both in school and university, confronting harassers and bullies.”
Ahoo Daryaei was transferred under worrying circumstances to Iran Psychiatric Hospital, where significant concerns about her safety and well-being remain. The atmosphere at the psychiatric hospital has become highly secured since her arrival, with security forces isolating her in part of the emergency room, denying even hospital staff access to her. Yesterday, an informed source at the hospital told me that initial observations by the staff indicated Ahoo was mentally healthy.
However, after her initial assessment, only doctors affiliated with security agencies from outside the hospital have been allowed in her room. According to this source, it appears that authorities intend to push her to the brink of insanity through unknown pills and injections. Ahoo once attempted to escape the hospital but was unsuccessful.”
19. Harris phones Trump

18. News item posted at 1723 GMT


17. Moosh corner

16. Just in case you missed it

15. This evening’s quiz question …
… which event was this commemorating last evening?

14. These two seem to be having fun over there

13. Gemma’s at it again

12. Well yes but are we permitted to say that these days?

11. Harry song and election follower by IYE at 867
JH: Interestingly (to no one), videos stop me numbering comments … isn’t that fascinating?
The thing about the Donald coming back is it reminds me of me old da. (This is equally fascinating.) Anyway, there we were watching Coronation Street and someone had just hit Len Fairclough … knocked him down in fact. Me da said, “Now watch him come back like a Yank.”
And he did, did Len Fairclough. “What’s a Yank?” I may have asked but probably didn’t. To my father, a Yank was one of those soldiers who came over, stealing our women. But to Southerners, he’s a carpetbagger. Anyway, he’s a NY Yankee all right, the Donald.
10. Joy Almond at Free Your Mind … 867:11 (Steve)
“The sheer selfish tunnel vision is actually laughable, except they walk among us and truly believe this.”
JH: Plus march with pink hair and nose bones.