4. And on the subject of Paris anyway

3. DAD hath dropped at 865
a) Twenty security guards patrol an area on the border of the 19th arrondissement and Aubervilliers from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. BNP Paribas [bank] even offers its employees the option of being escorted by a security guard from the office to the RER.
b) …….and in the whole of La France. Fde Souch site this morning. Look for couteau [knife], tabbasser [beaten up], engorger [throat cut], meurtre [murder], bagarre [fight], blesse [injured], etc.
c) The didicoy have ways to stop being kept awake by a ‘Rave Party’ [I do not know if you have a word for events of this nature in the English language]. “Fourteen participants in an illegal rave party south of Rennes were slightly injured during a conflict with travellers who wanted to stop the music …
d) Ding – Dong. Someone at the door (it’s not the Avon Lady).
2. No news is good news
There’s something I need to address as redactor here and that’s one which all pundits and droppers contend with … we’re only as “present” at “unherdables” as our sources allow us to be, also our health/medical/financial condition, also the state of our cyber kit, also our home obligations and the need for a break.
There’s the added factor that we’re in a cyber war just now where, for example, the wayback machine was crippled by enemy action and that was a major blow for some of us, so sources are necessarily constrained … this is so on X too where I’m clearly shadow banned, as are any others not thinking the correct way … so many friends have dropped away, having had numbers done on them. But many were also fake friends, trolls who just disappear.
There’s also the factor of our “be aware” list at “Other” above and all our droppers need to be aware of that list … I was exploring The Liberty Beacon for example, in some depth … Steve needs to be careful of actual authors there. In some cases, the author is protecting him/herself but the age old issue is it’s then an unattributable source. We do all need to give less, check more, inc. me, so we’re not taken in.
The Gateway Pundit is a curiosity. Obviously Jewish, is it Mossad Jewish, Ash-can, Judaean, Bab Captivity, Talmudic, Kabba-babba … what? The way around it is to use the headlines as further exploratories.
All MSM on “the right”, plus the major soc-med, is targetted by vile ads of bodily functions, close ups of teeth, feet etc. … even NOWP has that in the sidebar, out of the admin’s control … the source is always the same … a major platform I’ll not name … it does have a complaint mechanism but then returns days later. In short, there’s much going on.
So, the point of this item is twofold … first to reassure all of our “patrons” here that all is well with us, between us, second to be even more vigilant with sources now.
Also expect strange blackouts, things not functioning … often that requires refresh or reboot, often I clear cookies and it works better. Eventually, inevitably, hackers/spammers get around it … I’m being spammed, though you’re not … last time I checked, there were 122K attacks on lil ole us alone … we know who they are too.
Last advice for now is never to click anywhere where you’re invited, however friendly it seems, except on EU cookies, where you decide for yourself … then go to “clear cookies” now and then, under your settings … learn your own device.
1. Steve excerpts at 864
Evets 4: New York Times Finally Admits Russia Is Winning the War, Ukrainians Are Falling Into Despair and Only Have Human Resources for 6 More Months of Fighting
Evets 3: Liberal Data Analyst Nate Silver Says Trump Favored to Win, Accuses Pollsters of ‘Putting Finger on the Scale’ to Make Election Seem Closer Than it is
Evets 1a: UK government’s tax plans will destroy family farming; farmers to gather in London to protest
Evets 1: Leftists: Hysterical Dystopian Future Ruled By JD Vance & An Immortal Musk
“It’s not the Avon Lady”
Showing your age there!
JH: Shhhhhh, MD. 🙂
Ding dong! And for the even more mature