11. Obvious what the TPA would say
“Well folks, we knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. We knew it wasn’t going to be fun. And we knew it would hurt. But I’m not sure anyone foresaw just how vicious and vindictive Labour’s first budget in over 14 years would prove to be.
As the chancellor took to the despatch box, like taxpayers across the country, the TPA held its breath hoping we would be wrong. Hoping that Rachel Reeves meant it when she said she wanted to drive growth.
That she meant it when she said she didn’t want to hit workers. That she meant it when she said she wanted to fix the finances. On all counts, it was bad news for taxpayers and bad news for Britain.”
10. Kathy part two
“It didn’t take me much research yesterday to confirm Woodhill’s shocking reputation in terms of prisoner safety and its out-of-control (deathcult) regime. This is the prison which an inquest jury only earlier this year concluded (eight years after the event) that ‘the reprehensible failures by two senior prison officers amounted to unlawful killing of Robert Fenlon in 2016 by gross negligence manslaughter’. Robert Fenlon’s historic unlawful killing conclusion at Woodhill.
Fenlon was no isolated case but the 18th prisoner to have died there in the previous four years, The Guardian had reported in 2017. According to this more recent Guardian report there have been others since.
Returning to Fenlon, what stands out is a pattern – a total lack of urgency and probity. The Crown Prosecution Service took its time in deciding, five years later, in 2019, not to bring charges against a number of suspects, including the Ministry of Justice & National Offender Management Service …”
JH: And so on.
9. I’m looking at Kathy’s review (TCW) in two parts … part one
“I was going to talk about so much this week – Donald Trump’s amazing campaign, the belated release of information about the Southport child killer’s Islamo-terrorist interests, upon which we must anyway be careful not to comment in case we prejudice a fair trial, so the Liverpool female police chief adjured us (are all prison governors and police constables women now?), also our own unprejudiced report of the Unite the Kingdom rally on Saturday October 26 not to forget Rachel Reeves’s ‘suicide for the UK’ budget and Kemi Badenoch taking the helm of her 121-MP rump of a Tory party.
But I am sorry, I’m not going to write on those matters. Not that they are not all important, but I haven’t been able to rid the treatment of Tommy Robinson from my mind, and what I suspect to be the grossest ongoing miscarriage of justice this century …”
8. Sad story
Mossad reports that they arrested her after this, beat her to death.

7. The reality of the false dream of alt-media
Tim Worstall said decades ago that there was no money in blogging, in social media … I would add unless it’s honeys hawking their wares. Those honeys certainly have panting men at their behest and many actually think it’s over the wisdom they’re putting out.
On the nonWoke side … those gals often do put good thoughts out, do their homework, e.g. Grifty, Corey, Rhoda etc. and have earned a rightful place as alt-media … we have two here as well.
But overall, there’s no money in it unless you sell your soul, as outlets such as Epoch have … the paid advertising immediately compromises you. It’s far better to be in a position, e.g. self-employed or a boss who can take time … or a retired person, grandmama etc. … these do not need to be beholden to special interests.
Two who are discovering the reality are Dan Wootton and Levan Gudadze. Dan W first:
“The Outspoken Uncancelled Aftershow is moving to Substack daily and on demand – exclusive stories, columns, royal news and shows are now in one place for members. The decision has been made by popular demand after overwhelming feedback from Outspoken’s growing number of viewers and readers.”
Dan W was household at GB, his sacking was great for his numbers, I do subscribe still to the free version.
Levan (see Steve’s second drop each day) brings … or did bring … the good oil from an openly Russian viewpoint, and yet seemingly fair, about the Ukrainian situation and region in general. He has … or had … a nice manner but now he’s totally P-ed off and is attacking his viewers about the piddling 18 euros or whatever they’d paid last month … very bitter indeed. How can I put food on the table, pay the rent, he demands?
Dear oh dear … how sad that he should find out that alt-media does not pay. He is married, with children, he recently moved from “derevniye” or town and countryside to the big smoke of Moskva. Now look, I know Moskva reasonably well and everyone there is on his/her own upwards trajectory. Prices, costs, are western, income is Russian, unless you’ve “made it” by selling your soul to someone … ditto in Paris, Rome, London … different dog eat dog world.
I’m so sad for his family that he even thought he could provide for them on vlogging … he ain’t no shapely honey.
Another is Neil Oliver … yep, he certainly had his 15 days or so … boy dun well … and then? In the following days, months, years? Vlogging is always going to be a second string to your day job … blogging even more so.
Rule n1 is to drop the airs and ego, even just being right-chuffed by traffic. Nothing wrong with the latter, mind, but not if you start seeing yourself as anything better than those coming to your site.
Rule n2 is to develop a model by which people would wish to drop in on the site now and then … then stick to it. Iain Dale was the one who kept referring to consistency … look at AKH. And don’t be lazy, as Kate at SDA became, handing over to “her boys”. If you vlog or blog, do it daily and keep going. Have something to present.
Rule n3 is you MUST bring in other people’s angles, even if you yourself are the ultimate guru in your own lunchtime.
Rule n4 is don’t bother with traffic or stats … it compromises you just as much as money. MMUTR asked if I wanted a stats package. Hell no … for that reason just now … I have no idea of our traffic, nor do I wish to know. We just do what we do.
Rule 5 is look after your regulars, protect them afap as your lifeline online. Datsit.