(1759) Evening all.
17. At ZeroHedge
… Jim Rickards is a financial pundit, former CIA connection, many things and it’s odds on he’d say this below, esp. with an eschatological edge to it. The issue is not so much his take on it from where he is but how so many different takes now align with it.
I mean from delvers and thinkers not religious, not even right-leaning.
So, I believe that Trump will win… BUT – the Democrats will NOT allow him to take power. They will illegally BLOCK him from inauguration… Abandon the rules that this country was built on… And NOT let him into the White House, despite the decision made by American voters. This massive attack on democracy will result in an epic economical and societal meltdown like we have never seen before. I predict a 50% market crash… The final collapse of the U.S. dollar… Violent riots in the streets… And the potential introduction of martial law.
We see many snippets here at the tavern … one being the money moves right now, which Rickards knows about in his field, one being a report on the national guard being moved in, fences going up. One pundit not overly apocalyptic, on X, mentioned that the issue wasn’t really DJT at this point, it was the taking of the House by shenanigans .. the money power.
MMUTR has long said that the desperately aimed for violence the Collegium desperately needs and which we’re fiercely resisting, must first happen … total breakdown … then in comes, not DJT to declare martial law, but head of the Collegium for that bloc … and that’s game over. Obama? Who knows?
The only ones not thinking this are Christians plus baddies in the know, plus totally unaware normies. The Christians are quite aware that the Return is imminent and that’s that, no one knows exactly when. They’re measuring by that and by the Rapture.
Pause for one moment, stepping back … why would it not play out as in the MMUTR paragraph above? Every single global move has been to rid society of us stick-in-the-muds … also look at history:

This, literally, is their best chance ever … recent generations already ruined … you think globopsycho will let DJT wreck it? We’re not talking just cheating, fraud so much here as zero intention of not fulfilling the glorious work of ages … in fact, there’s something vaguely Teutonic about it, utterly humourless … you know already that Germans are maniacal at sticking to zee Plan, ja?
I’m not sure that any more than 5-10% are fully cognisant of it all … I do not mean blind panic and woe is me handwringing … I mean juggernaut … plug pulling on the word of some honcho. And large depopulation is one of the prime aims.
My attitude? As one of the Christian anti Woke … pretty obvious I’d be high on the list, part of the en masse roundup. So here we are, folks, two days to go.