(0553) Dark but not gloomy.
4. Some sort of Sunday op ed
a. First of two … see 863:7a about Fulton County not informing GOP it was counting over the weekend, no GOP observers present … out and out fraud. For a start, I’m both used to and actually was, on more than one occasion, a “scrutineer”:

I’m stunned that the concept does not exist in the USA, at least in Federal elections … maybe they call it “observer” … whereby parties with over X% of the vote last election get to appoint one scrutineer per counting table, the count only taking place between certain set hours … very strictly for obvious reasons.
As for vote flipping machines controlling the count from overseas via intranet or internet … I’m just stunned. How on earth can an electoral process take place under those conditions and not be called third world? And counts going past midnight on election day, without troops being detailed to watch from outside the counting room?
Having said all that … just how does an incoming party, as in the UK, get to promise their manifesto, get in on 20% of the eligible vote, then promptly reverse the policies they were returned on the basis of? How does that keep happening if there’s an independent and fair MSM?
b. Second of two is from 863:4e: “Jena Griswold “breaks” 2024 election in Colorado: Results will be 100% non-certifiable, warns Patrick Byrne” and concentrates on Patrick Byrne himself.
I’d suggest first familiarise yourself, through the enemy Woke left Wikipedia with its attempted takedown:

Coming from the business sector for a start means he lacks the study tools to dig deep enough but it means he’s a key observer of anomalies … which combination makes him less party-loyal and more pragmatic about reality.
He’s well nigh useless where loyalty to a human organisation is involved as he is just as liable to critically look at his “own” side of politics as he is at the enemy … and in that sense, it places him vaguely where IYE and I am … no one quite knows how far to trust, not being entirely sure how the guy ticks … which again is a good place to be if you’re a ferreter or alt-journo.
For now.
c. Reader pete at 863:6, on “Global Technocratic Governance” … and the end of democracy forever … plus IYE returned in comments at UHC under the post on accountability.
The latter will take some unpacking but I’d suggest you really owe it to yourself to explore that … the biz on Rowan Williams came from there.
3. Steve drop selection from 863 last evening
MftWC 4: France on the Edge Due To Drug-Related Violence, as 400 Gang Members Clash in Poitiers After Shootout
MftWC 3: Fulton County Did Not Inform Georgia Secretary of State They Would Count Ballots Over the Weekend without GOP Poll Workers Present – State Senators Descend on Fulton County
MftWC 2: Collapse of the southern sectors – Ukrainian front. US Citizen – Russian Hero. Iran to attack Israel – Levan Gudadze
MftWC 1: Jena Griswold “breaks” 2024 election in Colorado: Results will be 100% non-certifiable, warns Patrick Byrne
2. DAD has just dropped at 864
”Wake-up, it’s morning. Today’s Wyoming sunrise was captured by Sandra Hughes. Sandra writes, “Sunrise over the Uintas in Uinta County this morning.” (864)
a) France’s Interior Minister decried a “a shooting at a restaurant, which ended in a fight between rival gangs” on national television Friday morning, after five people were seriously injured as hundreds of people looked on in a suburb of Poitiers late Thursday night …
b) According to the Ministry of Education’s findings published on Thursday, less than half (46.7 percent) of these students show proficiency in “conjugated verb agreement,” and more than 50 percent struggle to “recognize the main components of a sentence.”
c) “It’s against our values”… Independent bookstores refuse to offer Jordan Bardella’s [Leader of the RN Party in Parliament] book for sale …
d) How to answer a heckler.
1. Reader Bob
(JH: The intrepid two have returned from their jaunt far afield, a domestic discovery from Isilme coming up here just short of 0730.)
Snippet from a Kemi Badenoch interview on Politico:
“Ahead of a decisive U.S. election next week, Badenoch praised the Democratic Party candidate, Kamala Harris. “She’s got a very good sense of humor. She’s clearly somebody who speaks with a lot of positivity and optimism.””
That attitude doesn’t bode well for the Tory party.
No. 2b. {French} Ministry of Education’s findings …..”less than half (46.7 percent) of these students….”.
I forgot to put [sic] after the word “less”.