(0652) Light at 0652 here today, gloomy sky. (0723)
8. Roobeedoo writes

7. Ditch hospital managerial staff

6. The crims all know

5. Sneaky bstds

4. The fatally corrupted Tory party

3. Steve drop selections by JH from 862
Evets 4: Kachelman: There is a Payday Coming for the Democratic Party. The Fear and Terror They are Bringing Upon the USA Will Return Upon Them. Their “Robespierrian Harvest” is Inevitable
Evets 3: The Difference Between the Fabricated Password ‘Breach’ Charges Against Tina Peters and the Huge Actual Password Breach by Colorado SOS Jena Griswold
Evets 2: Massive drone attack on Russia. Emergence at ZNPP. EU CIA. US sanctions Indian companies – Levan Gudadze
JH: I’m going to be looking again at Levan later, esp. his intro.
Evets 1: NHS is sedating a man with Down’s syndrome to force vaccinate him