18. TCW (blogrolls)

17. All bets, ladies and gentlemen, please

There’s the public account we’re all watching … how the heroes such as Pressler and others are stemming the fraud … and well done.
That’s in swing and Dem states. But what of the bought or threatened Electors themselves, who decide, many allegedly compromised? What of the millions who have crossed the border and cast votes, controlled by Obama and the gangs? What of US forces bosses who have promised to use lethal force on key characters? Will an adoring public defend these or run for cover? When the chips are down, what will people actually do?
Then there’s the global “coming out”, the actual start of the new World Govt … Obama seems to me to be smug, having all bases covered in the west.
16. Excerpt from Vox
”Anyone who has even a modicum of fighting or sports experience knows that temporary retreats are always necessary, and an intrinsic element of engaging in conflict at any level. The fighter who never retreats is one who leads with his face. The general who never retreats is one who soon finds himself cut off from reinforcements and logistics, and is certain to be surrounded and forced to surrender.
The media doesn’t understand even the first thing about war. When Putin was mocked for months because the Russians withdrew from Kiev, and later, from part of Kherson, what was characterized as “a humiliating setback” was nothing more than saving one’s forces and correctly prioritizing men and material over territory that couldn’t be held anyhow.”
15. Jo Nova on Wayback
“Four weeks before the biggest election in history, the The Wayback Machine, was hacked in a major DDOS attack. The site was restored partially, but for the moment operates as “read only”. It is not possible to ask the archive to save a page. In a strange coincidence, Google caching stopped earlier this year and officially ended in September. So there is suddenly no recognised source of common shared truth about the history of the internet at the moment. Officially, supposedly, they will be back in action, sometime, one day, and theoretically they are copying the same pages they normally copy, they just can’t update yet, or archive new pages…
Imagine how convenient that might be if someone were planning to lie, cheat, or change their story after the election?”