25. Andy, at 862:7
… has something from Dailytimewaster (American, not overly political as a rule) on the EU threatening them.
24. Toodles sends an interesting piece
“Well now…(the host) has C.Owens on. Not even sure if she is a particular fan of CO’s. However she has included some interesting things which we may take however we want. Very interesting.
CO says she wasn’t looking to dig, dig and dig … just trying to help the Jackson girl with proof of her statement about KH. It seems she has potentially uncovered a Pandora’s box!
Very strange things. And to me I see GB, where you live and from where my roots were pulled up and planted here, might/could be behind it in some way, fashion or form going way back. Who even knows?”
JH: What we’re looking at here is bloodlines, right? Toodles happens to mention:
“Tracing one’s complete bloodline would be well nigh impossible, given that each has two parents, each who have two parents … unless perhaps you are of certain old ones…meaning ones who are of the ruling class. In (our town) when you meet someone, an older one might say and have said in the past: ‘Who are your people?’
Someone said that to me once. I said my maiden name. Well she knew of no one in HER circles with that name. I mentioned my mother’s family name and the woman fawned on me after that! My (forebear) had been one of her dearest friends. I felt like I held the power after that!!”
JH: This ties in with what C.O. is saying in relation to KH. However, I’m going to jump here to a key point nothing to do with Harris per se and I don’t know how I can explain this to our boys without our gals not taking it as insulting, as they rightly were with Mark Cuban.
Essentially, gals talk a lot, they often jump around, wildly, different topics from nowhere, suddenly bringing things in, maybe from years ago and the man is just lost … he’s already tuned out, say, after an hour of so many snippets suddenly pulled in from nowhere … now here’s a perfect example:
The hostess we’ll call LB, the other CO, the veep in question KH. Right. LB starts, suddenly switches to CO, who suddenly goes to an ad, LB takes over, CO is still talking, animated but muted, then I see she’s back to her topic, CO sound suddenly on … it’s JDV on Rogan, polio in Africa, she goes to ad again, LB starts throwing all sorts in, suddenly she says Trump’s ahead in all states bar one … NC, where KH is just ahead … whaaaa? LB’s onto the next point but I’m stuck on NC.
Whoa, hang on … did we not say yesterday that the KH lot had pulled out of campaigning there, pulled out FEMA, no longer politically needed … Trump seems to have it sewn up, way people were treated?
LB though is saying KH ahead? I start to think … yes, they’ve done the numbers, the red voters can’t get to the polls or the machines are flipping votes fine, whatever … so they pull out of campaigning. No need.
Now, the point in this part of this post item is not whether or not KH does actually win NC … point is that LB suddenly dropped it in and if I’d not been listening to these two women speedtalking for an hour or however long, trying to follow the female mind all over the place, I’d have missed that. Most men would say nah, DJT ahead.
Hmmmmm … you see, I’ve learnt that speed talking gals are often right with this or that, if they’ve been deep thinking … and we missed it … so keep an eye on NC.
23. Climate biz

22. So nice to see this

21. Steve and the war room at 862
a. Matthew Boyle: “The Race Is Really Gonna Come Down To The Final Three States, Which Is Michigan, Wisconsin And Pennsylvania”
b. Beattie Exposes Jamie Raskin’s Plan To Object A President Trump Electoral Victory No Matter What
c. Natalie Winters Breaks Down Elitists Push To Amend The Constitution And Keep Trump Out Of Whitehouse
d. Natalie Winters: “You’re Already Starting To See The Fractures In The Establishment”
With re: to Miss Toodles/CO/kh, the following may be interesting-
as well as other topics.
they have social media if that is easier for some.
I don’t participate in those or I would list them.
I know nothing of, but have herd of “the humiliation ritual” of the dark powers that shouldn’t be.
Could that be part of what’s happening with the satanic party Implosion?
Just thinking aloud.
This is all the spiritual battle on display.
Thanks to all people here, especially Mr. H
JH: And thanks to you too, Juan.