Tuesday [5 to 7]

(0755) Morning all. (0914)


7. This just now from DAD at 859 (link there)

“Former Trump chief strategist and War Room host Stephen K. Bannon was released from FCI Danbury in Connecticut on Tuesday morning at around 3:15AM, The National Pulse can report.”

JH: After the MSG rally of course. These people we’re up against are truly evil.

6. The oh-so-clever march through the institutions

Two quotes to start:

a. If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, “the law is a ass — a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience.” ― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

b. The wife of the Yorkshire Ripper sued Private Eye, prompting a youthful Ian Hislop to announce: “If that is justice, I’m a banana.”

Where is the iniquity? Cleverly, technically, they may well be in breach of the letter of the specific, iniquitous law but the injustice of the whole set up is what they’re both railing against. The judge is adept in jumping from the particular to the general and back again to solidify the judgment … but it’s certainly unjust overall.

Let’s go back to 1954:

c. Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. But there is a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.

The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization. It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our government without suspecting that change is under way.

If this seems to be an extremist assessment, the reason is that this revolutionary clique cannot be understood unless we accept the fact that they are extremist. It is difficult for people governed by reasonableness and morality to imagine the existence of a movement which ignores reasonableness and boasts of its determination to destroy; which ignores morality, and boasts of its cleverness in outwitting its opponents by abandoning all scruples.

This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century. This group is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. But, by scalpel or sword, we must remove it.

– Senator William E. Jenner

Again I ask … where’s the iniquity? It’s in the overall major move by the forces of evil to flood the countries of the west, plus the net zero excrescence, plus the plandemics, lockdowns etc., plus chemtrail poisoning … it goes on and on … wrapped and protected by laws, hundreds of em, in institutions such as the ECHR which are the opposite of what they purport, plus using moral, feelgood language to sell the evil to the dumb and/or young, such that any attack on a specific is officially viewed as an attack on “democracy” or whatever … the Constitution … when that’s precisely what the lot of them are doing.

That was a pretty vital rally on Saturday in London as it casts these remarks below as the bollox they are and I’ll specify why straight after them:

Otherwise the rule of law would break down? Notice the sudden change from the rule of iniquitous laws brought in to implement this terrorism from within … to a feelgood general principle no reasonable person could disagree with.

Therefore, any opposing the first is instantly cast as an attacker of the second … it is false, it is satanic, it is ubiquitous right across the west … it is a cancer. It’s also set up such that if any do dare speak out, they’re insta-clobbered “to the full extent of the way OTT draconian penalties allowed”, whilst favoured groups get none of it.

The very epithet Two Tier sums it up. That’s where the iniquity is which people were demonstrating against and every single adult in the west knows it and is prevented from doing anything. Anyone going vigilante … individual, small group … clobbered.

Iniquitous, yes. The major question is how to overcome it, as William Jenner was trying to on the Senate floor.

5. First TDS summary, plus one url


One reply

  1. mark my words

    a year from now,
    we shall all look back at this time as

    The Calm Before the Storm

    there is but only one hope
    one solution
    one KING

    Jesus Himself.

    We are commanded to armor up and STAND.
    not to whinge and be all female-ish.

    We are also commanded to Sow Seed.

    politics is earth bound.
    satanic distraction.

    We are to serve The Creator!
    not the destroyer!

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