Friday [1 to 3]


(0657) Dark out there, what will it be this Sunday? (0822)

3. Steve drops at 853

Evets 4: Ballots Found in Florida Storm Drain Were Stolen from Mailboxes with USPS Master Key

JH: That and “b” I’ll be looking at in Fri 4, next post.

Evets 3: Anderson Cooper Drops Bomb on Kamala Harris: You’ve Been in the White House For 4 Years. Why Haven’t You Done Any of This Already?

Evets 2: Putin, BRICS trade outside USD. Austin, North Korea troops in Russia. October surprises fail – Alex Christoforou

Evets 1: Euthanasia during the Covid era wasn’t limited to the elderly

2. We’re being spammed

The nice thing with our new cyber-arrangement is that we can send spammers down blackholes should we want … also, it’s nice watching WP system in motion and it’s a very good system indeed … word on cyberstreet is that their backend is one of the two best just now … however, their woeful “block” frontend is just that … woeful. We opted for a good backend … make of that what you will, dear reader.

1. Of euphemism and the cryptic

It’s all very well saying “be manly, call a spade a spade” and when we write cryptically, asking “are you a man or a mouse” but there’s also WC Fields who said “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again … then quit … no point being a damn fool about it”.

As admin here, I subscribe to both those views but with an edge … yes, quit the current course which can only recreate Bernie and Lucy and take a different course, find a way around it, another way through the playing field.

The timing in the screenshot below is significant here:

What do you see there? Well if you’re a super-regular, you’d recognise that site, plus you’d also know that our “senior member” usually drops around 0530. And it wasn’t there. Obvious conclusion was check that it’s in spam or trash and if not, then is our senior member ok or has Micron got to him?

As it turns out, I just needed to refresh the site but when I did read it, I saw 18th bday ONO repeating itself all over again, as there were clearly proscribed terms in there. Now, my view was to either go gung ho and be damned, martyr to the cause or else be mindful of my agreement with WP, esp. free WP, regarding specific vilification. So far, they’ve played fair, I’m not minded to test out that goodwill.

Why not? Because there’s something in the engineroom there I don’t want lost … readers don’t know about such things … plus it stops the blogging, as you saw with 18th bday, plus I carry the can, not the author, plus it impacts other droppers … you’ll notice IYE has gone and that’s a massive loss. Plus I’m sure our third main dropper is reading this and mentally noting.

It’s also a known-known that I’m loathe to censor, it ain’t my thang … yet the starmerati are looking for pretext to shut down comment … do you see where this is going? My solution is IYE’s … to euphemise, become more cryptic, just as they had to in the USSR and in Soviet Germany. You’re still making the point.

Also, if you look at that post today, you’ll see the links are anything but self-censored … we might have to go to an embedded HERE method in order to not be direct. It’s also unnecessary for us, the regulars or most reading us, to be direct … we know the issues, we’re not looking for increased traffic, far from it … it’s more like a club of readers without officially being one.

Therefore, our droppers need to euphemise or be cryptic with key words the bots will pick up on … these are the starmerite times we’re in, in the UK, 2024 to 29. It’s the current lie of the land. And better you euphemise than I distastefully interfere. Thanks, chaps and chapesses.

One reply

  1. Re 1. This morning I prepared my drop and was ready tp ‘Submit’ it when nature (in the form of the WC) called. When I came back to my computer the screen was blank. My drop had entered one of IYE’s rabbit holes and had been eaten by a weasel. I quickly re-formed the drop and posted it. I had to rush as I had a rendez-vous with Nurse Dracula at the Medical Centre.

    I returned home, had coffee and breakfast (I need the blood to be taken before eating and drinking.) Drizzle is forecast for the day, but it had not started when I remembered that when I cut the grass I had emptied the collector in front of the compost heap and it needed to be pitch-forked onto the pile.

    All work has been done so now I can relax and explain what wappened earlier this morning. Why did the first drop dissapear? I dunnow.


    JH: As explained in Fri 1, DAD, there are key words latched onto by the algorithm, they also coincide with what Starmer’s on about this side of La Manche … we’re on a hiding to nothing using those when we can euphemise and get it through without issue. I’m watching closely to see what happens.

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