(1130) Current thinking … some Barocca around 1300 after training. If I can find some good clips.
11. Our beloved NHS

10. Not too sure
… who’s actually doing the commenting here but it sounds reasonable to me:

9. Seems reasonable to me

8. Care to cast an eye over these names?
The post is here:
A “south” that stretches from Cornwall to Norfolk is too big. I suggest that the four lower-left counties be called the SW.
N/S/E/C is East Anglia. You could call Kent, Sussex and Hants the South Coast. With London as a region of its own, that leaves eight counties without a name. Call them Amorphous Southern England.
Or just go back to historical names: Danelaw, Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, … thought that might mean acknowledging Cumbria as part of Scotland depending on just which period of history you settle on.
JH: Interesting question though. I’d agree on south-west, quite different. Up our way, Chester’s quite borderline imho.