23. Probably need to at least record this in passing
… quite a feat of engineering:
22. Now and Next on the Kill Bill
”Put like that, who could possibly object? And surely that is the point. If you wish to break a taboo, bore a very small and well-defined hole in it. The bigger augers and crowbars can come later. Then, as with abortion, the trickle of assisted-suicide cases may become a flood, as has been happening in other countries.”
Exactly the point … mass murder bill is made oh so innocuous and just look at the mental and moral state of those voting on it. Nightmare.
21. Steve at 842
One on Laurence Fox, one on Neil Oliver.
20. Airplane reaction
Reaction videos to songs I’ve run here before and there’s just this extra dimension it gives, plus when it becomes a film review, it’s much shorter, maybe 20 mins but … and it’s a big but … it has to be a reactor you know … not unlike the gal doing the Columbo reviews, similar style to “Griftie”.
With Airplane, I didn’t know the reviewers, so tried about eight … some were not good or not engaged with it, some were good … but then I saw possibly the weirdest reaction to a film ever … it obviously puzzled viewers too, judging by the comments:
Now, as someone mentioned … she’s either a consummate actress/comedienne having a deadpan joke on us … or else she’s serious … making a joke now and then but basically literal about this movie as real … hard to tell, it’s intriguing.
The other thing is … I suspect someone’s sent her a review copy acceptable to YT but they differ … for example, with Holy Grail, there’s a general-rated version and then a more risque version … ladies tend to choose the more general … this version of Airplane seems to have only the risque jokes, which is a bit uncomfortable for me but she sees things quite differently. Intriguing, esp. the end summary.