Daily Archives: October 14, 2024

Monday [20 till close of play]


23. Probably need to at least record this in passing

… quite a feat of engineering:

22. Now and Next on the Kill Bill


”Put like that, who could possibly object?  And surely that is the point. If you wish to break a taboo, bore a very small and well-defined hole in it. The bigger augers and crowbars can come later. Then, as with abortion, the trickle of assisted-suicide cases may become a flood, as has been happening in other countries.”

Exactly the point … mass murder bill is made oh so innocuous and just look at the mental and moral state of those voting on it. Nightmare.

21. Steve at 842

One on Laurence Fox, one on Neil Oliver.

20. Airplane reaction

Reaction videos to songs I’ve run here before and there’s just this extra dimension it gives, plus when it becomes a film review, it’s much shorter, maybe 20 mins but … and it’s a big but … it has to be a reactor you know … not unlike the gal doing the Columbo reviews, similar style to “Griftie”.

With Airplane, I didn’t know the reviewers, so tried about eight … some were not good or not engaged with it, some were good … but then I saw possibly the weirdest reaction to a film ever … it obviously puzzled viewers too, judging by the comments:

Now, as someone mentioned … she’s either a consummate actress/comedienne having a deadpan joke on us … or else she’s serious … making a joke now and then but basically literal about this movie as real … hard to tell, it’s intriguing.

The other thing is … I suspect someone’s sent her a review copy acceptable to YT but they differ … for example, with Holy Grail, there’s a general-rated version and then a more risque version … ladies tend to choose the more general … this version of Airplane seems to have only the risque jokes, which is a bit uncomfortable for me but she sees things quite differently. Intriguing, esp. the end summary.

Canadian reaction to Airplane

Try these

  1. Who created meccano?
  2. Tomb of a child at Xi’an Banpo Neolithic site … what toy found?
  3. Oldest known mechanical puzzle … country and era?
  4. Who invented the kaleidoscope in 1817?
  5. Who invented the zoetrope in 1833?
  6. Who created the first Peter Rabbit soft toy in 1903?
  7. What’s a zoetrope?

Monday [18 to 20]

(1334) Really struggling to put another post up above Nicola … somehow seems not right … but needs must. (1429)


20. Don’t believe Jenrick? Or Politico?

19. Apocalypse soon?

Very much so imho … there are a few possibilities, one being that it’s all theatre … all of it, inc. the Donald … and it does tie in with Christian eschatology unfortunately. For that though, the Temple must be rebuilt and for that, there needs to be an unblemished red heifer … there (cough) actually is at this moment. 🍿🍿🍿

At the same time, there is this feeling of wishing to see his version of apocalypse now over the demonrat creeps of low ability.

18. Andy on mushrooms at 841

Mushrooms are not my cup of tea but as a youngster I was fascinated by them. I scoured the local reference library (Carnegie, sold off) for books on the subject. The wide variety of edible delicacies in our fields and woodlands is awesome. The small city in Hertfordshire where I live was once a very important Roman settlement. It would be no surprise that truffles were introduced and nurtured. Recalling something my mother mentioned about a strong ‘gassy’ smell in one corner of the woods opposite and the behaviour of our dachshund in one particular corner intrigued me …

JH: More over there.

Monday [13 to 17]



17. DAD at 842

I think that most of the French population have decided that the Government are not taking ‘The Grand Replacement’ seriously.

Q) A votre avis : à quoi va servir la nouvelle loi Immigration que souhaite faire voter le gouvernement Barnier ? [In your opinion: what will be the purpose of the new Immigration law that the Barnier government wants to pass?]

16. An oblique hint

Think of where we used to store key posts, think who gave us most of the links, think of my blog birthday events … that’s all the hints I can give.

15. US news and comment

Careful with this one … it’s been challenged in no uncertain terms in X comments:

15. Brit news and comment

14. New Spectator editor?

I only knew about it because of the mention by Laura Perrins today … a time long ago it was when I saw the Spectator as a reputable source … but the shock today was seeing who the new editor is:

Gove. Q.E.D.

13. Draino on Am South, also applies to us

“If there’s one thing millions of people living in the South realized these past 2 weeks, it’s that all society can collapse in just a few days

  • No running water
  • No electricity
  • No fuel
  • No hot food

Just you, your neighbors, and whatever you got stockpiled up Heed this lesson now.”

Monday [6 to 12]

(0611) Morning all, by the way. Still dark out there.


12. Something stinks in this 3rd assass attempt

Mindy is pure MAGA, has been from before 2016:

“The man they just arrested for supposedly “trying to kill” Trump in Coachella….is my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.

Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal. So I firmly believe this is 100% some kind of set-up in retribution for exposing it. That, or Trump’s security team is a bunch of dipshits trying to make up for how badly they failed in Pennsylvania with any kind of “win” they can get, fake or not.

There isn’t a universe his intention was to kill Trump, he’s worked too hard in this movement to expose the Deep State and all the people against him. If he had guns in his car that were illegal, whooptie-fucking do. As a pro-2A advocate, ask me if I give a shit about a good guy with a gun in an unsafe shithole like California. It doesn’t even make sense why his passes would be fake either when we’re both usually invited as media to these things.

And I’d love to see exactly what this “threat” was he made about Trump…..because I don’t believe he said it. I just know it’s going to be the most misconstrued bullshit thing ever when I finally hear, assuming they even ever tell us. 

This is the anti-Deep State documentary we did that they’re probably targeting him for, where we actually suspected they killed our whistleblower over it….it’s that damning to this illegitimate government: https://rumble.com/v5e9k6a-bundy-vs.-deep-state-an-original-america-happens-documentary.html

We were also working on a sequel to my Las Vegas shooting cover-up doc as well, which might be another reason why someone would target him for this….. https://rumble.com/v266as0-conspiracy-truths-the-route-91-documentary.html

Either way, I stand by Vem Miller….and I will get to the bottom of this bullshit. Watch me.”

11. From June


“Did Jeffrey Epstein & William Barr Attend Interlochen in 1967? Interlochen is a prestigious fine arts preparatory school in northern Michigan, and Jeffrey Epstein attended Interlochen “camp” in 1967 as a teenager. But the school disavows that two-time Attorney General William Barr also attended the camp in 1967, despite pictorial evidence that appears to tell a different story.”

10. Mark C on Gab

“The Ukrainian army is now dragging men out of bars and restaurants in order to force them to fight.
Videos like this have been circulating for a while now, but finally the media has begun showing them to the public, which seems odd as the same newspapers have repeatedly tried to tell the public that Russia has either lost or is just days from collapse … for years you are told one story, then all of a sudden the exact opposite is presented.”

9. DAD at 842 with the French news

JH liked this bit:

““I did not choose this government,” Macron recently told a trusted confidante, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity.”

Yeah well France did not choose you … the legit govt is Le Pen, usurped.

8. Bioter***ism

7. Terrorist organisation FEMA

6. The part the UN plays in world strife

Were you to list factors, you might include the CIA (inc. manchurians sent out from time to time)and NATO, China’s expansion, I**a*ic terrorism, the kabbalistic version of zionism, Wokery, plus of course the UN itself.

This is a classic case of one piece of evidence indicative, two or three pretty solid, any more fairly conclusive. Remember Darfur? How the atrocities happened? Northern groups such as the Janjaweed, I**a*ic terrorists, were co-opted by the govt, went south and slaughtered men women and children … in far more gruesome ways than usual, more along the lines of Oct 7 last year.

UN “peacekeeping observers” had moved in dhortly before up north, negotiating with the govt., similar in Kosovo and the Balkans, but NATO were the main force there.

Monday [1 to 5]

(0503) Special day for me, family-wise from long ago (not my bday), also Mondays have recently been nice … a set number of jobs, not arduous … one hopes the same day for all unherdable tavern patrons.


5. TDS today (blogrolls)

4. I don’t see Johnson & Johnson there

JH: It was an expandable item on X, included here as an opening snippet … shall add if more.

3. Steve drop at 841 last evening (JH selection)

MftWC 4: It “Took a Village” of Real Deplorables to Lock Up Tina Peters

MftWC 3: “These Are Animals” – President Trump Says He Will Invoke The Alien Enemies Act of 1798, Calls for Death Penalty for Illegals Who Kill American Citizens: “We Will Call It Operation Aurora”

MftWC 2: EU Ursula goes after Orban – The Duran

MftWC 1: The Government’s given you a “Ration Book” for Electricity. You just don’t know it

JH: Two observations … IYE put up an item about the third Trump shooter last evening at 841 … plus, on electricity rationing, it might be America, might be here … let’s just say it will be here too … manufactured crises. Time frame?

2. The rush to draconian measures, on scant evidence

Whilst the battle still rages, whilst some govts are banning, others are doubling down on mandating and the public are divided between karens and those in the know.

To my mind, that above is one aspect … the other, less in dispute, can be summed up in the early sidebar picture today.

1. DAD drop at 842

a) A man was arrested outside of a campaign rally for former President Donald Trump in Southern California, and multiple guns were illegally in his possession, according to authorities.

b) TicTok in trouble. [I cannot copy/paste from this site.]

c) SpaceX launches the fifth flight test of its Starship from Boca Chica, Texas on Oct. 13. Video 27 minutes.