Sunday [6 and 7]

(1023) Morning all … just awoke and got up after a second sleep, after post Sun 1 to 5. We all have different expectations of Sunday … many check around the sites to see what news there is … some of us reporting the news simply need to snooze … the fake MSM have it over us that way. Back in harness for awhile, there’ll be a filum break in the afternoon (to snooze, to snooze again). (1219)


7. Teach your children well

To my mind, Nolla Girl below is half right … insofaras females today are pressured from childhood to be THOTs and also to become harpies, in other words, useless humans with no code beyond “me me me” … and they in turn mother children, sacrificing their children on the altar of feminazism … whilst this first half might be right:

… and there are countless youtubes on it … also reflected in this quote:

… she also touches on the issue of the male, now long feminazised into the SNAG (sensitive new age guy) … the type so in touch with his feelings, a demi-woman, this anti-toxic-masculine shaped by new-women into “safe” partners … in other words … absolutely bloody useless for forming and protecting family plus the code itself which they should live by.

And not only are they low testosterone and useless in a protective role, a procreative role … they also become vicious little bstds with mincing voices … you see them in Walz, at protest demonstrations, hitting women with bicycle chains … hardly Crocodile Dundee or Bear Grylls but those are just the outward trappings … many older conservative types, men plus women, are not necessarily speaking of that but more of moral courage … the courage to do what’s needed and to see it through. The type his children can look up to.

Now, unless Gen Z and Alpha turn it around … and there are some signs that some are … then western society is doomed. Because there are invaders already flooding in … murderous bstds, the emptied jails of the world … and they will go through today’s western males like knives through butter.

But first, the males of the post-Woke world need to reject the garbage taught in schools, resist the invaders and stand up for what’s right … and Wokery is anything but right. Plus dipping into easily available THOTs, siring random brats who grow up worse.

Will the man with the old code rediscovered be vilified? Set upon? Of course … good thing too … it’s called doing right.

And not like the Pink Floyd teacher in The Wall nor the Starmer, a similar type who thinks discipline is beating someone with a big stick. Task is … how to make men into proper men again? Especially with those of the old ways dying off, helped across that river by murderous govts and medicos.

6. Kathy has sent out her Sunday wisdom

… here’s a bit of it:

Ray Lewis (the late leader of Eastside Young Leaders Academy, who I wrote about here) was right when he warned years ago how adults had handed over their power to children. Parents have certainly been encouraged to relinquish responsibility for them.

Laura flagged up the issue that no else addresses last week. How many dead children do we have and will we have in return for adult sexual liberation? No one is counting. And is anyone counting how many dead or damaged children we get in return for a ‘mother’s right to work’ (on the heedless assumption that outsourcing your baby for ten hours a day to a nursery ‘baby room’ is safe or kind)? People really need to start thinking about this. It is not unconnected with today’s stabbing culture.

No wonder my ears pricked up when I read Kemi Badenoch’s glib solution this week to couples unable to afford children. Cheaper child care. By deregulating it. More Tiny Toes nurseries, then?

I’m glad it’s a woman writing that as, coming from me, it would carry far less weight. Do I hide behind the skirts of women on women’s matters? You can bet I do … unless I need to add something the women are missing … the conservative women usually have it covered.

Well all right, I shall add something … McMartin preschool case in the 80s in the States … which set off a whole chain of CIA rendition, Omaha Airforce base, San Diego, trauma abuse of people, inc. children … you know the rest. Gary Webb. And over this way … Channel Islands care orphanages, Dolphin Square, summer holiday … it’s an epidemic. Nuff for now.

One reply

  1. Greetings Sir,
    I don’t know where else to leave this.
    I assume it’s a voice you’ve not “herd”.


    stay good with G-d.


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