(1223) Afternoon all. (1329)
10. Why it’s not a very good idea

9. A few more
a. Worldwide privacy tour

b. More on cackling psychopaths:

c. Plant trees:

d. From supplying Isis to behaving at last:

8. Still on birds

Thing is … not knowing much about flora and fauna, me … well the feathered variety of bird is a mystery … obviously they fly and squawk, they build nests, they migrate, the seagull type steal your food when outdoors, I know what a duck tastes like though I do try to avoid cats … that’s about it really.
What happens when captured carbon (dioxide) gets an early release.
Search for the Lake Nyos disaster.
Wonder why London area is not suitable for these cunning plans?
Presently, in my area of Alabama, the Coastal Bird Fest is in full swing. People from all over come to attend tours and classes annually this week in October.
A few years ago I met a couple from Ireland on a boat tour. Locals were participating, but as many or more visitors from other parts of our country were in attendance. They were dressed the part and all had great binoculars. I think they travel all over chasing birds.
The last time I attended an activity at Bird Fest was during the Covid era when things were happening again…when the Them’s, those🤬🤬🤬🤬’s blankety blank jailers, allowed activities to open.
It was fun and I must say the participants were more astute than I at quickly spotting and naming by sight and/or call various birds. Cuddles has always been impressed at my spotting and naming birds. The visitors put me to shame…except it was fun to learn from the pros! Cuddles is much like you James….’Oh look. A flock o’birds!’🤭
Those seagulls are for the birds…rats with wings!
Oh! I could share so many bird stories. I won’t except… except a few years ago I saw a blue heron catch a big ole wide mouth bass in the corner of our bank where it is low.
That day the tide was up and a bit sloshy in that area. Perfect for bass fishing.
It was an amazing part of nature to behold. Had someone shared with me what I saw Igore (heron) do I would have thought most certainly it was a fib, or at the very least an exaggeration. Someone was with me at the time so at least one person doesn’t think I am nuts…at least about that.
JH: Well thank goodness at least someone knows and can tell us. That lot going over yesterday were all sorts, methought, not just geese. Could Patagonia be one of their destinations?