Daily Archives: October 5, 2024

Saturday [4 to 7]

(0852) Morning all … bright day out there, apart from the chemtrails. Post up at Jstack but not yet at UHC. (1017)


7. Canadian news

6. US news






5. Brit news







4. Migration or Remigration?

Different kind this time … birds, as in the feathered variety … as in flying en masse this morning, squawking en masse out there, above … to a backdrop of chemtrail laying by three planes in tandem.

So slow, I am, these days … can’t just point and shoot with the ipad … by the time it’s in the window slot, they’ve gone … caught this though:

Masses of em, chaps and chapesses, waves and waves of em, not unlike Iranian rockets, except these don’t land. One lot were almost hovering, I wondered why, in arrowhead formation … appears they were waiting for others to join … stragglers (?) … then vroom! One lot went left to right like a shot, could not make out which breed … bleedin’ fast they were.

Now all of this is normal yearly cycle, granted … don’t want to get too fanciful … but there was still something vaguely apocalyptic about it all. Wave after wave after wave of the squawking air fleets. And which bird leads? Do they take it in turns, like bicycle pelotons?

I could keep snapping the dozens of flocks but things to do, dontchaknow.

Saturday [1 to 3]

(0623) Dark. Lighter now at 0726.


3. Standing back, looking at the bigger picture

Were we to list the major global pushes just now in no particular order … well obviously the constant lies, the great push itself with the baddies in a frenzy to abandon any western underpinnings, the punishments meted out unlawfully, out of all proportion, the sheer callous inhumanity displayed by globopsycho whilst mouthing we the people and freedom …

… all that and many not yet mentioned here, e.g. the insane climate and medical frankenscience, the sudden increase in everything from energy prices to food, to natural disasters …

… and that’s where I pause to commend to your attention 831:6 across the way.

It’s that Polish lady and she reads, thankfully, from reports, rather than show clips of the miscreants and angels alike … why watch when she’s difficult to understand, to know to what she refers?

But please persevere.

As she goes on, it becomes familiar … yes, floods, fires, bungling by emergency services, even prevention … she even mentions Biden Harris’s NC horror. It then dawns on lil ole me that in fact she’s not referring to south-eastern America per se but to her own region … Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland … and as well as the other identical elements, there are also the misplaced millions in currency … where to?

Guess where to!

The Ukraine, yep. Also to house illegals, free on the taxpayer.

Once we stop and look at precisely the same gameplan from someone or some people way more monstrous than the brainwashed talking heads themselves … someone utterly without pity for humanity … we move into an area where tinfoil aliens crop up again, Annunaki perhaps … or more biblically the Nephilim … I certainly don’t push this idea hard but most certainly do mention it. Toodles speaks of the locusts as well, moving through, devastating the land.

Someone will bring up Masonry … esteemed secret societies of “friends” … the Weishaupt legacy … though he was just an Oswald patsy.

Bottom line is SOMEONE is coordinating it, globally, not just in the one place. Copycat atrocities? Maybe … but highly organised nonetheless. Bottomless resources, global, cross-border access, free passage.

Long, long ago, in Oz, in Tasmania, at a former penal settlement, a hellhole, now a tourist attraction … Port Arthur … I seem to recall it was 34 people gunned down by a “crazed” gunman with an unfortunate childhood … pure Parallax View … do watch the film, or else Manchurian. Not so much send out the nutter but release him, impede him not, turn a blind eye, as on 911 … standard nutter asset these people train up. Not Jason Bourne but twisted souls, hopeless creatures … “you’re our boy”. Isis were these, Hamas, Hezbollah.

At that time, it struck me, still not as politicised or even as speculative as I am now, that there was something very copycat going on. These countries were having there atrocities at the time and little Johnny H in Oz was being asked by the Grand Viziers why he’d not contributed yet.

Hold my beer says Starmer today … it all being about who can out-outrage the others in sheer bestial, pitiless atrocity … dreaming up new ways to afflict those snivelling ants called humans.

Chaps and chapesses … SOMEONE is coordinating this. Step back, observe the whole table of evidence before us, not just 80% of it. Also remember Senator Jenner, Brzinski (or however it’s spelt), one or two others … Woodrow Wilson … SOMEONE is coordinating it.

Addendum from the opening article at TDS today:

As the Labour Government prepares to deliver a Net Zero coup de grâce to the jobs and industries that made and make Britain, there are at last signs of industries and workers beginning to organise their own defence. But these overdue counters to the establishment’s green orthodoxy suffer from a failure to understand their enemy, which has always sought their destruction.

Indeed. Do you remember Pigboy Dave in front of the Chatham House backdrop? Have you genuinely done a deep dive into such organisations? Try the CFR over in the States. We know of the WEF already. Not so much clowns but utter nutters, coordinated from afar, even Schultz, backed by illicit money and we know where from … and Liz Cheney in piggy mind.

2. Steve (selection from) 831

Ev 4: President Trump Scorches Bitter War Pig and Former Congresswoman: “Liz Cheney Is a Stupid Warhawk – All She Wants to Do Is Shoot Missiles at People” 

Ev 3: New House Report Finds Kamala Harris Let In at Least 1.7 Million Potential National Security Threats Across the Open Border… And 13,000 Killers!

Ev 2: Zelensky’s Laughable ‘Victory Plan’ Seems To Be ‘Working’ – He Already Got $8 Billion

Ev 1: Globalists target the US First Amendment as freedom of speech is obstructing their agenda

1. DAD droppeth the French sit-rep at 832

a) In a bid to tackle immigration issues, France’s new interior minister Bruno Retailleau has announced deportation flights to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), targeting illegal migrants in Mayotte, the French overseas island territory located near Madagascar.

b) He [Bruno Retaileau] denounces—for the first time at such a high level of government—the harmful role played by the associations that intervene in detention centres to provide legal and social advice to immigrants sent there.

c) Gates of Vienna: c) This is a post I have wanted to make for a long time. A Marxist-to- English dictionary, even if it’s only half a page. The point of it is to understand how to do much more than just expose the specific terms we chose as exemplars.

d) Are we heading towards a new crisis in the automotive industry? After several years of double-digit growth, many European manufacturers, including Stellantis, Volkswagen, Mercedes, have announced lower earnings targets for the second half of 2024.